there are a number of secure solutions, and usually, they need to be employed together.
1- captcha. This one is required only to show that the form was submitted by a human. it does NOT mean that someone diddnt hijack the cgi-url directly, and bypass the form. Thats what norms hack does. and a clever one it is, especially the javascript addon.
2- unique token. In php applications, you'd set a session, as the from loads. a unique one, for the user. Then when the data is passed to the mailer script, the presence of a session is checked. If its not there, that means that they diddnt use the form. no game. This javascript example doesnt do that, but again, a perl hack would fix that.
3- modulating obfuscation. Making your form inputs different every time they are loaded is a sure fire way to ensure that you cannot pass values that diddnt some from a form. use javascript on the form side and your server language on the send side. I use the users ip address, and the date, in a nice string, with an md5 string at the end, representing the forms real name. complex but effective.
surely if your server only allows sendmail to send from your domain you've got this covered anyway, back that up with SPF and haven't you got the same effect - no bots from the contact form?
surely if your server only allows sendmail to send from your domain you've got this covered anyway, back that up with SPF and haven't you got the same effect - no bots from the contact form?
it took me 2 minutes to bypass a collection of captcha tests using the firebug editor. you are right however, but some servers simply do allow cross site cgi-access.
notwithstanding, there are actually a few libraries allready available to decode catchas. a couple of initiatives spring to mind.
and we wont even get into the madness that is an audio captcha.
I know this is not a full proof method, but it will help to reduce the 1000's of auto submissions we recieve, something is better than nothing at the mo.