First of all I would like to say that with the help of the forum search facility and all those previous posters and a lot of trial and error I have managed to get my 'related products' set up on my extended info pages in the format I wanted. I have also managed to ensure they only appear on the extended info pages as well.
The only thing I cannot seem to get to work even after searching and following the advice in the A.U.G is the ability to link the 'related product' item to the extended info page.
Appologies if this is very simple but I have no html knowledge.
The code I am trying to amend is :-
Any help or pointers will be appreciated.
The only thing I cannot seem to get to work even after searching and following the advice in the A.U.G is the ability to link the 'related product' item to the extended info page.
Appologies if this is very simple but I have no html knowledge.
The code I am trying to amend is :-
HTML Code:
<p class="text_product_small_info_heading"><actinic:variable name="ProductName" /></p> <div class="product_image_cost"> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductImageFileName%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22"> <a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<actinic:variable Name="ProductID" />&NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&SHOP=<actinic:variable name="ShopID" /></actinic:block>"> <img style="border: 0;" src="<actinic:variable name="ProductImageFileName" />" width="75" alt="<actinic:variable name="ProductName" encoding="strip"/>" /> </a> </actinic:block> </div> <div> <p class="text_product_small_info_price"> <Actinic:PRICES PROD_REF="<actinic:variable Name="ProductID" />" RETAIL_PRICE_PROMPT="<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductPriceDescription"/>"> <actinic:variable value="Marketing Price List" name="PriceListRetail" /> </Actinic:PRICES> </p> <p class="text_product_small_info"><actinic:variable name="ProductDescription" /><br> <a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<actinic:variable Name="ProductID" />&NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&SHOP=<actinic:variable name="ShopID" /></actinic:block>">find out more</a></p> </div>