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Problem with AUG "out of stock choices" method?

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    Problem with AUG "out of stock choices" method?

    Right, I think I've found a flaw in this AUG method

    Presuming a store set up is that a stock level of zero is classed as "out of stock"

    I'm also assuming that a stock warning level is at 1 (although it could be higher, obviously) and that the suspend level is 1.

    Going by the AUG method of showing choices as out of stock, if a stock level is 1, it show a choice as out of stock.

    Can somebody else confirm this, please?

    In the condition created as IsAssociatedProductInStock..the condition, as we are told to create it from the AUG, is as follows:

    ((<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::IsStockMonitored" /> == false) OR
    (<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::StockLevel" /> > <actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::StockSuspendLevel" />))

    second half loosely translated as

    AssociatedProduct::Stocklevel > AssociatedProduct::StockSuspendLevel

    This results in an incorrect "out of stock" message if the stock level is 1 and the suspend level is 1 (ie suspend orders if stock level falls below 1, natural choice)

    I have changed the condition to read

    AssociatedProduct::Stocklevel >= AssociatedProduct::StockSuspendLevel

    and now a stock level of 1 no longer displays the incorrect "out of stock" message

    Can someone else confirm this, please?

    btw, I've posted this as a new thread so it gets seen more likely that tagging it into the thread where my attention was drawn to it.

    Yeah - you're right about the problem, and your solution is spot on.

