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HTML <br> appearing within product checkout

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    HTML <br> appearing within product checkout

    Merry Christmas all!

    I was fiddling with the website yesterday by way of sticking a <br> in the product title. The reason for this is that in the available space for the title and the qnty box the title was splitting to two lines which is OK but I wanted it to split where I wanted it to. Therefore I dropped in this...

    041/054 Photo Gloss 210g/m2 !!<<br>>!! 100 x 150mm 20 sheets

    which had the intended result, it split the title where I wanted it to.

    Below is a link to an example of what it originally was (different product)

    and below what I like it to look like (different product but same thing)

    Now it looks OK but if you were to add a Gloss paper product to your basket you will see that you get this result.

    041/056 Photo Gloss 270g/m2 <br> 100 x 150mm 50 sheets 2
    £6.69 £13.38
    Subtotal £13.38
    VAT £2.34
    Total £15.72

    I can't understand why the <br> doesn't show up on the product page but does on the checkout page.... any thoughts?

    I do appreciate the most elegant solution would be to increase the dreamweaver template to accomodate the space needed but we are redesigning early next year (plus I'm a little unsure as to how to do this...)

    The option to alter the table width isn't really a goer as I altered them to accomodate the message 'The product above is out of stock' when visible as can be seen in the link below.

    Many thanks,

    For Inkjet Photo Paper and Fine Art Inkjet Papers direct from the papermill

    You should add an extra row at the top of the layout, which colspans however many columns there are and let the title go straight across the top in one line. Your solution is pretty horrific to be honest and should be the last you choose because of the knock on effect. You can strip these characters out on the cart, but you are travelling further down a road you shouldn't be on in the first place. Either limit the width or give it full width - best 2 options by a country mile.

    Here's an example of a compact layout, doing just that.


      Thanks Lee,

      I had a feeling that I was being a bit rough and ready with my perceived solution.

      I'll look into this method - it means learning a bit more HTML but that's a good thing!


      For Inkjet Photo Paper and Fine Art Inkjet Papers direct from the papermill


        Worth learning Paul, nothing more permanent than a temporary solution in my experience. If worst comes to the worst, i'm sure you could get it coded for you very cheaply.

        Get firefox and firebug plugin and note how it is done on sites that you want yours to look like, should help you a bundle.


          I posted a Perl tweak a few days ago for someone who had embedded HTML into their Product Short Descriptions. Searching should find it.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Hi Norman,

            Thanks for that - I wouldn't know Perl if someone hung it around my neck.

            BUT, I'll have a look and whether I know what to do with it or not your help is always appreciated!


            For Inkjet Photo Paper and Fine Art Inkjet Papers direct from the papermill


              Here's a much better way to do this.

              In your Product Details, put " - " (space dash space) into the short description where you want these breaks to appear.

              In your Product Layout(s) replace

              <Actinic:Variable Name="ProductName" />
              <actinic:block php="true">echo str_replace(' &#38;#45; ', '<br/>', '<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductName" selectable="false" />');</actinic:block>
              Now the " - " will be replaced with a break on the product pages but the dash will appear on the cart, checkout, etc where it's not worth the effort to alter.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

