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Login Customers to stay on page.

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    Login Customers to stay on page.

    Seasons greetings!

    I'm just setting up a customer account with a bit of a twist.

    The products are specific to them and no one else will be able to buy them.

    So I've set up a new section and deleted the section link within the main acatalog page (using the design tab) . I'll provide them with an URL to access the page and a login to prevent stumblers buying the products.

    The question I have is that once the customer has logged in the successful result returns them to the main acatalog page - I'd rather they stayed where they are... on the URL provided.... or they will have to enter the URL again..

    Is there a way to do this?


    For Inkjet Photo Paper and Fine Art Inkjet Papers direct from the papermill

    look at this

    I am waiting for a response from Tech Support for exactly the same at the following thread:

    Maybe post there instead to keep it together?

    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


      mmm you've been waiting a while too....

      How do I move the post?


      For Inkjet Photo Paper and Fine Art Inkjet Papers direct from the papermill


        Just start posting on one rather than both, (the other one would be better as the tech guy, Iain is already on that thread?) and leave a link to this thread. Iain hinted that Actinic is supposed to leave you on the same page and that it may be a bug but haven't heard since.
        My major problem with bouncing to the acatalog page is that a customer can spend a while browsing to find a certain product to buy, and then when logging in, has to start the search process again - annoying!

        If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

        Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


          Why not present the login screen before they can enter the store, this will reduce the problem somewhat until a solution is provided by actinic.


            We have a login page only for certain customers (eg distributors - different prices) - and don't want to stop others from entering the store.

            If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

            Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


              Must have changed since i last used it then. I though it used to give you the option to login or a link for you to 'start shopping' if you do not have one. Why would they change that, ah well, sure it's for some reason no doubt.


                This post may help:


                  This suggest a specific page to go to after being logged in.

                  I was really after a bounce page back to the page previously viewed (which could be any page), similar to the option in the AUG to stay on the page when adding to cart, although this wouldn't work as it never takes you away from the page you are viewing when adding to cart (ie here you are actually removing the bounce page).

                  My thought was look at page x, go to log in page and log in, then option to go back to page x.

                  There is a post to 'see recently viewed items' which uses a cache. I was thinking of using this on the acatalog page in the interim, but maybe the same 'cache' principle could be used to go back to the page just viewed? Too complicated for me to rescript unfortunately.

                  A bit like on ebay. Look at an item, click on 'sign in', sign in and it takes you back to the item with a phrase 'you are signed in' .

                  If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                  Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                    Yes, I follow what you mean.

                    Maybe the solution would be some javascript to modify the login form on the fly to dynamically change the target page. I would think that would be possible.



                      Too complicated for me to do, but there are quite a few users who have asked for the same thing.

                      If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                      Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                        In js, locatrion.href will return the current page. It would then need to be stripped of '' then the remainder would be the relative page name. That would then need to be written to the input value for targetpage.html as in the referenced post above. You would also need to probably add a form id name to be able to reference the form properties to be able to do the write as well as of course add the additional input tag in the form. I think the form tag is probably in design text somewhere.

                        Sorry I don't have time to devote to this right now but maybe someone else can take on the little challenge - I doubt it would be too difficult for the js fundis.


                          Has anyone come found a solution to this one? How to direct people back to the previous page after they have logged in. It is so frustrating when you are moved back to the shop front after you found your product and logged in.

