can a block expression go inside an <li here >
and can a function response be inside expression or does the whole function have to be in there.
this is the function to get page url:
what im trying to do is get the class of the <li> tag to become <li class="current"> to show current page in tabbed menu.
i have not begun to figure out how im going to express page url is equal to the a href inside the <li> tags yet, but i wanted to know if its poss to use blocks in this way..
and can a function response be inside expression or does the whole function have to be in there.
this is the function to get page url:
PHP Code:
function curPageURL()
dim s, protocol, port
if Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS") = "on" then
s = "s"
s = ""
end if
protocol = strleft(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL")), "/") & s
if Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT") = "80" then
port = ""
port = ":" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
end if
curPageURL = protocol & "://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") &_
port & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
end function
function strLeft(str1,str2)
strLeft = Left(str1,InStr(str1,str2)-1)
end function
PHP Code:
i have not begun to figure out how im going to express page url is equal to the a href inside the <li> tags yet, but i wanted to know if its poss to use blocks in this way..