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uh oh - I need help please

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    uh oh - I need help please

    OK, so I was messing about with V8 yesterday and playing about with the "best sellers" attributes. Unfortunately I made the mistake (complete accident and didn't mean to do it) of clicking on the "change style" from CSS to HTML - I think that is what it was called any way.

    Now I cant open V8 in the design tab, it just sits there "Not Responding".

    Is there a way I can get it back to the style being CSS without re-installing the V8? If I have to do that does it mean that I will not be able to import the V8 site that I have made changes on and I will have to start from scratch again?

    Thanks for any suggestions apart from don't mess with things you don't understand

    Not sure what you have done after reading your explanation, i'm wondering whether you are trying to explain that you have changed theme, that's the closest i could come to understand anyway. HTML and CSS go together on an actinic store, you can't really separate that in the way you seem to be implying. Perhaps you could provide a screenshot of where you have been messing and we can grasp what you mean then.

    If you have a previous snapshot, you can just import that and it will set it all back as it was. If not then you might be in for a big lesson when playing with actinic, you must snapshot, especially when changing things and have no idea what you are doing. There's a tutorial on my site about them.

    Also when you post a new thread, try and think a bit more about the users that your post might help in the future and give it a useful title. This thread could end up very useful to a lot of people, but unfortunately the useless name it has been given, will send this info into forum hell never to be seen again as noone will search on what you named it. Forum guidelines mention this also, available here.


      If you have Multisite you can license a new site and see if the design tab is working in that copy. Making rudimentary changes can and does kill Actinic in peculiar ways. I would be inclined to reinstall v8 and import the snapshot made before starting the design changes - you will only lose a small amount of work - and you don't run the risk of it rearing it's ugly head in the future.

      There have been documented issues with the BS and NA lists causing mayhem when editing and crashing Actinic. I tend to edit the layouts in the library now and never using the design tab with live preview.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

