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Editing pages

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    Editing pages


    I have upgraded my site form version 7 to business 8 and would like to know how to edit the pages as i need to change the font sizes in the product pages, sections and shopping cart and also edit the act_primary if this still exists.

    Boy this is different to get to grips with.

    Please help asap.


    Actinic SEO

    We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.


    You can change the global font sizes used on the site in SETTINGS | SITE OPTIONS | GENERAL and scroll to the bottom of the window. You can also change the font sizes for certain areas, by adjusting the sizes against the classes in the stylesheet.

    If you have any specific changes you wish to do on a layout, then select the design tab and click on where you want to change and use your html/css skills to adjust accordingly.

    Most of us took a good few months to get confident and happy with the software, if you are looking to do this over a weekend, then you need to look again i'm afraid, unless you are using everything as bog standard. It's a different beast entirely to V7, in fact you should try and forget your V7 knowledge and start with a clean slate.

    Most of the problems you will encounter have already been encountered and answered in the forum, don't forget to search for them. Also don't forget the KB and the AUG - these are a great help. The rest is just time and a determination to learn things without giving up.

    Good luck and keep things very simple to start off with, you have a lot to learn.



      How do edit the product pages in dreamweaver, this was easy in version 7


      Actinic SEO

      We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.



        I should get the manual and have a good read of the help before you start firing questions, either that or search the forum. If you have installed the DW integration, then you should see a button to open up layouts in dreamweaver.

        Sounds like you are trying to run before you can crawl to be honest, take your time, get to grips with how things work, it will serve you far better in the long run.

        You can edit in the design tab, you don't have to open up in dreamweaver.


          I have Lee and there is no help in the manual at all concerning this.
          I dont have weeks to learn this unfortunately.

          You see i have added extra information on the product page and cannot seem to find this now to change this and its frustrating to say the least.


          Actinic SEO

          We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.




            It's almost impossible to offer any advice from the info you have provided, remember we cannot see what you have done, nor did we watch you do it. I know it's frustrating, we have all been through the same, but you need to give better info than that and possibly also provide screenshots. What did you add, where did you do it, how did you do it, what you trying to achieve etc.

            We are trying to help you blind, which is equally frustrating. Take the time to give us the full story and you will get far better help as at the moment we need to be telepathic to help as we just cannot see anything you have done.


              Sorry Lee.

              I have been on this since 8pm this morning and it needs to go live on Monday.


              In version 7 i made a lot of changes to the act product line line templates and act order templates and i need to change the text on these pages but cannot seem to find them to edit them.
              When i go into my actinic folder in my program files they are not there only "upgraded files"
              What have these pages neen changed to?
              Can you help please?


              Actinic SEO

              We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.



                You are still thinking in V7 ways, which you need to forget about, V8 is really different. If you go into the DESIGN | LIBRARY | LAYOUTS you can begin to see the new way in which things work. For example, expand the 'products' group and you will see all of your product layouts, you can adjust them in there OR you can select a product in the content tree and switch to the design tab and you will see (in the bottom window) the code for the product layout. You will also see on the design tab a drop down box, where you can select specific pages on your site and the code for these will show in the bottom window.


                  I have been on this since 8pm this morning and it needs to go live on Monday.
                  unless you don't plan to sleep until Monday I wouldget this deadline out of your mind.

                  As Lee says it took many of the experienced developers months to get their heads around v8 including several 100 trashed sites in the learning process.

                  You need to learn the basics before applying too many changes.

                  The main changes sre

                  There are no netquotevars
                  There no templates to edit in site1

                  you open up layouts in actinic (they are stored in the database) and then chose to edit them in DW. If you search the community you will also find that most developers now do not bother with the DW extension (except maybe for the outerlayout) rather they chose to edit HTML directly within the layout windows - however that is another story


                    I have been on this since 8pm this morning and it needs to go live on Monday
                    Forget it is my advice - as has already been said you are not going to learn V8 in a weekend nor is anyone going to be able to teach you enough to do what you want by Monday.

                    If its that urgent then you need to consider contacting a more experienced designer who can do it for you (NOT me please)


                      v8 makes template editing a piece of cake. Forget you have ever heard of v7. Switch to the design tab. Click on the text you want to edit in the preview window ... you will see the HTMl in the code window beneath where you can edit as desired. Job's a good 'un.

                      2 days to upgrade when you are not familiar with the system is very optimistic and certainly not worth the rush. Leave the v7 site there until you have fully tested all areas of the v8 upgrade on a test area.

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

