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Terms & Conditions Link Box in Smart

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    Terms & Conditions Link Box in Smart

    Hello. I want to add a box in the Smart theme that looks like the Cart Summary Box, to appear below it in the Smart Right Sidebar on every page. In the box I want words like "Payment Methods", "Delivery charges" etc in a list under each other as in the Cart Summary Box, that are links to the Terms and Conditions page. I have been experimenting with ways of doing this so far without success. Will it be best to copy the code for the Cart Summary Box and edit it? If so, how do I then place that edited code in the right place? If there is a better way of doing it, then how? Thank you.

    As a second choice, I could have a matching box containing a drop down list to sections of the Terms & Conditions, but again I do not know where to do this.


    Adding content to the sidebar on the Smart Theme is one of the most popular questions ever asked on this forum, have you tried searching the forum and reading the wealth of answers and solutions already provided?

    To do what you want to do involves using css and html far more than anything else. You need to create hyperlinks to anchors on your T&C page. You will need to add the anchors into the various places on your T&C page. Your hyperlinks then link to these anchors. So in plain English you have points (a)-(f) for example on the page and then each hyperlink links to one of those points.

    Read up on how to create the <a> tag in html, that will get you halfway there. Have a go, if you get stuck, show us what you have done so far and we can put you back on the right road.

    Good luck.


      But where do I put the html?

      Hello Lee. Thank you for replying. I know how to do the links to anchors, and how to do an html link etc, but I don't know where to put the code so that it comes up in the right sidebar below the existing box, but not part of it, and comes up in a box like the Cart stuff. I may be thick, but I can do the coding bit but just do not know where I put the code. My problem is that the most obvious stuff is not stated anywhere. It is like knowing how to drive a car, but don't know where the ignition is.

      I searched the forum thoroughly before posting.



        The placement of html is the easy part, although that is obviously easy for me to say as i work with it each day, but it has a very logical order. If you want something to go just after a certain part, you find the last bit of code that finishes that part and then put yours next. There are few tricks in this area, html is predominantly read and placed in the order it is written. You will want to work in your overall layout template and you will probably have one for product pages and one for brochure pages - SO need to do it twice. I cannot confirm this in the absence of a URL. A brief example below of how the code works:


        main menu code

        <middle column>
        main content code
        </middle column>

        shopping cart summary code


        So if i wanted to put a search box below the cart summary above, i would do as follows:

        shopping cart summary code
        search box code

        Placement and styling of that new area is then done by CSS, but get it in there in the first place. If you struggle to find your exact whereabouts on a template, then simply type in 'Sarah' and look for it on the page, keep moving until you get it in the right place. I'd also advise using firefox and firebug addon on your existing code to see how things come together, it will help tenfold.


          Sorted - see how I did it . . .

          Thank you, Lee. Your instructions were what I would have done in Version 7, using the appropriate template/s. However, in the latest Version 8 it was not so easy to see the code for the whole page, to see where to put it; the code for the whole page did not include, for instance, the code for the Cart Details box - I got that code on its own separately.

          I have solved it this way, which, as always, proved quick and easy: Site Options: General: Site: and typed Info in the empty box to the right of Heading for Right Box. On doing this, miraculously a box appeared in the right bar, just as and where I wanted it, below the Cart Details box, and it had the heading Info, as I wanted it. I could then click on this, the code came up for me to edit. I added to it the links to anchors on the Terms & Conditions page, and put the anchors on the T&C page and all is fine.



            Those instructions work equally well on V8 Sarah, i do just that almost every day, you just have to get used to the design tab or using the library. Glad you are sorted anyway.

