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centered width on smaller screens

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    centered width on smaller screens

    I've just centered my site using -

    <body onload="<actinic:variable name="OnLoadScript" value="PreloadImages" />" style="width: 90%; margin: auto;">

    - and am happy with the look, but on a smaller screen its all getting a bit crammed on the product pages. What's the best way to keep this look for larger screens but for it to fill the screen on smaller ones.

    Use 'min-width' in your CSS, you will need to cater differently for IE6 though. Probably best to get out of the idea of inline styling and revert to proper CSS.


      Cheers Lee, where in the css do I insert the mid width?


        It would generally be included into the page wrapper, depends on how you have things setup though and whether you have one to style. If not, then you are looking at grabbing the top level tag and styling that or wrapping the whole lot in a <div> and styling that instead.

        There are loads of options in this area, each occurrence is different and each designer also does it different lol.

        Make your life easy and just set your site to be 970-980 wide and be done with all the messing.


          Thanks Lee, good advice. Got it now.

