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Page Width Changes in Firefox & IE

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    Page Width Changes in Firefox & IE


    I was hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction with this one… I have mooched around and cannot find the answer but I’m sorry if there is already a thread relating to this.

    I have got a site in the “early stages”, it is currently on some test space for playing around with. When I view the site in IE is sits okay, but in Firefox the content is always shifted underneath the left hand side bar. It’s got to be something to do with the widths etc, but I just can’t work out what.

    The site can be seen on – as I say it’s in the early stages and so please go steady!

    Oh, and whilst we’re talking widths there is something else I have obviously changed and cannot get it back. In the cart and checkout the table displaying the products ordered is narrower than the remainder of the page – any ideas?

    Thanks for any suggestions


    I don't know for sure but this is my guess...

    Is your layout constructed using a CSS based design (DIV's and CSS to set layout and styles etc) and percentages to set the width of the right and left columns? If so you are in for a potential world of pain. The problem is in the rendering of percentages in different browsers etc. To fix, either reduce the percentage of the right hand section down with the stylesheet or...

    The only easy way of getting around this is to use a fixed width layout (for example set your store width to 980px, left hand column to 170px, right hand column to 810px). This means you lose the nice 'scale to window size' type action but means sections don't 'blow out' for no apparent reason.


      Try putting a "float: left;" into your css section that controls all the left hand link parts.

