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Either inserting ''next'' and ''previous'' or page numbers

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    Either inserting ''next'' and ''previous'' or page numbers

    I have tried to follow the instruction in the advanced guide on how to insert ''next'' and ''previous'' to avoid a long scroll in the section pages.
    Can anyone break it down for me with a dummy step by step guide. Seems a short instruction but I keep messing it up.

    Here is the page to be split

    Hi Grace,

    I've uploaded three graphics showing both the code and where to place them.

    First of all click on the Design window and select a particular page you wish to have previous and next on.

    I then clicked on the 'Gundog Training Videos' Section Name and placed the code as you see on the screen.

    See how you go with this.


    Attached Files
    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      Hi thanks .I have tried it but not yet got it yet.
      2 things I need to clarify
      1)When I follow the first image of Gunshot,Mine does not display ''Layout code-link to previous section'' as the header for the html editing section. Perherps I need to add this layout but I do not know how to.
      2)I think the instructio you gave is to put layout on the products but rather I want to put it on section ,I think its the 'sibling sections' mentioned in the guide.
      see the following link to see the pages I want to place it



        Hi Grace,

        The first graphic shows the previous link selected and then what is included in the code for the page.

        The second graphic shows the code and how to access it, by clicking on the yellow twirly a couple of times.

        If you ascertain where you wish to have your previous/next sections, cut and paste this code
        HTML Code:
         <div style="float: left;">
        <actinic:variable name="PrevNextSectionLink" value="Link to Previous Section" />
        <div style="float: right;">
        <actinic:variable name="PrevNextSectionLink" value="Link to Next Section" />
        where you believe you want the links to be.


        Location: North Yorkshire UK


          I have followed the instruction and now on top of each individual product, there is a link to the next and the previous product name.
          1)But how do i make the text read ''next'' or ''previous'' instead of showing the product name?
          2)this instruction only works in the actual product page to link to the next product, but I want to do this on a subsection where all the products are displayed in thumbnails so that avoids scrolling down too mush to see all the thumb nails.
          where there are numbers on the top of the thumbnail images eg 1 2 3 4 next


            Sorry Grace, but I don't think this particular bit of code is what you're after. It is intended to link to the previous and next pages of your site, be they either sections or sub-sections.

            The link you have shown is carried out with asp and could probably be done with php, but I cannot help you with that unfortunately!
            Location: North Yorkshire UK



              I demonstrated a version of what you are after in an example site. Strictly speaking it does not use different pages, merely it hides different groups of products one a single page and gives the appearance of pages.
              It is quite functional as well in that you can easily change the numbers involved.

              see this thread where I asked people to comment on it - please also read the comments !
              Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
              Ecommerce Digital Marketing

              SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

              SellerDeck Hosting
              SellerDeck Digital Marketing

