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Checkout Page 1

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    Checkout Page 1

    Is it possible, indeed has this been asked before, to alter the chekout page (1) so that instead of entering NAME/CARDHOLDER in the delivery details, this could be changed so that they are required to enter: Salutation, Forename, Surname in 3 seperate fields instead?

    Being a newbie, im having allsorts of demands thrown at me, and im never quite sure if its possible or not in actinic so any help on this would be appreciated.


    Go to "Design | Text" and choose "Web Site (cont)" tab.

    The sub tabs there show the prompts within the checkout area i.e. "Invoice Address", "Delivery Address" etc

    You can select the prompts you require, as well as setting them up as required fields if preferred. You can also change how the prompt is displayed e.g. Change "Job Title" to "Position" etc.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      Thanks Fergus.

      I had a feeling it maybe as simple as that.

      Just one point, yes I can change the current value, but any of the other fields cannot be changed. Although not a big problem as were not using actinic to process the orders, is it possible to change these other fields so they are more meaningful.

      Having Forename as the currect value, but Invoice Job Title for the rest of the descriptions is confusing to say the least.

      I guess I could create custom fields, but how?



        You should be able to change the 'Prompt' value for any of the fields in this area to display as you need them to. In both the 'Invoice Address' and the 'Delivery Address' tabs you will find a 'User Definable' field that you can customise to display additional queries / information.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King



          Im not entirley sure were thinking along the same lines here.

          Yes you can edit the Current Value, but not Short Description, Full Description, Default Value.

          Basically I have stolen the Job Title field and changed this to be surname. This works a treat, but as I have mentioned the the rest of the fields still mention Job Title.

          By the way, how do I edit the receipt so that the surname is along side the Salutation/Firstname rather than underneath it? It appears that actinic joins the salutation and firstname together as they end up as only one variable, if im correct.

          When you look at the layout for the receipt there is a long list of variables but no formatting, so im confused how actinic knows where to put line breaks (i keep saying it, but i am a noobie at this).

          This is what I see in the receipt layout:

          <TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall">
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceName"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceJobTitle"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceCompany"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceAddress1"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceAddress2"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceAddress3"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceAddress4"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoicePostCode"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceCountry"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoicePhone"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceFax"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceEmail"/>
          <actinic:variable name="InvoiceUserDefined"/>

          What I want to do is move the <actinic:variable name="InvoiceJobTitle"/> along side the <actinic:variable name="InvoiceName"/> so that you will end up seeing:

          Salutation Forename Surname

          At present you will see:

          Salutaion Forename

          Where is actinic being told to insert <br>? And it appears that actinic produces one variable for InvoiceName which includes both the salutaion and forename. Where is this being done?

          We also want to edit the Customer Email so that instead of showing:

          Dear {salutation forename}

          It reads:

          Dear {Salutation Surname}

          But as mentioned actinic appears to join both the salutation and forename and creates a new variable (Customer) from it?

          Another point is that im now using the variable JobTitle as the surname as per my previous posts, but when I use this variable within the Customer Email this is what you end up seeing on the email:

          Dear Salutation Forename Netquote Var: JobTitle

          Yes what you see is what I get, and if im right Netquotes were part of version 7 yet were using version 8.5?

          This is the format im using to try and display the correct wording:

          Dear {Customer} {jobtitle}

          May I apologise in advance if what im asking seems simple questions to most of you, but having only used Actinic since October to alter and update products, then having to design and implement full working e-commerce sites in the last month or so, im struggling to understand how actinic generates alot of the site from variables and such like.



            Ok, having spent most of Saturday and probably Sunday looking at this, am I thinking along the wrong lines with this.

            Having used the Invoice Job Title and changing it to surname, is this really going to achieve what I set out to do? Have I got all this completely wrong and thats the reason its not working as I expected?

            I see there is a user definable field half way down the list in Design¦Text¦Web Site(cont)¦Invoice Address.

            If I were to use that instead of Invoice Job Title, how do I move it up the list so it follows the name?

            And I think I've finally found the formatting for the receipt in: . Me not want to play this game anymore! First its HTML, then actinic variables and now Perl, yikes.


              Anybody want to have a go at changing the following Perl script to allow the Jobtitle to be display along side the customer name instead of underneath it in the receipt form:

              # Invoice first
              	my ($sInvoiceName);
              	undef $sTemp;
              	if ((length $::g_BillContact{'NAME'}) > 0)		# if the contact name exists
              		$sTemp = $::g_BillContact{'SALUTATION'} . " " . $::g_BillContact{'NAME'};
              		@Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($sTemp);
              		$sInvoiceName .= $Response[1] . "<BR\n";	# add it to the message display
              	$::s_VariableTable{$::VARPREFIX.'INVOICENAME'} = $sInvoiceName; # add the invoice address to the reciept
              	my %HashID = (
              		'JobTitle' => 'INVOICEJOBTITLE';
              		'COMPANY'  => 'INVOICECOMPANY',
              		'ADDRESS1' => 'INVOICEADDRESS1',
              		'ADDRESS2' => 'INVOICEADDRESS2',
              		'ADDRESS3' => 'INVOICEADDRESS3',
              		'ADDRESS4' => 'INVOICEADDRESS4',
              		'POSTALCODE' => 'INVOICEPOSTCODE',
              		'COUNTRY'  => 'INVOICECOUNTRY',
              		'PHONE'    => 'INVOICEPHONE|-1|348',
              		'FAX'      => 'INVOICEFAX|-1|349',
              		'EMAIL'    => 'INVOICEEMAIL|-1|350',
              		'USERDEFINED' => 'INVOICEUSERDEFINED|0|14'
              	ActinicOrder::HashToVarTable(\%HashID, \%::g_BillContact, \%::s_VariableTable);
              I can see where the <br> is for the name but where are the rest in the code above? How does the perl script move onto the next line after displaying each variable?

              Of course, yet again, I could be totally wrong about this but im sure someone will let me know.


                Hi there

                This thread has details on removing ALL the <BR> tags from the invoice address details in the checkout. You can then add them manually into the layouts where you actually need them.


                  Thanks Chris.

                  Unfortunatley it still doesn't work as expected.

                  This is the code we see at the moment:

                  # Invoice first
                  	my ($sInvoiceName);
                  	undef $sTemp;
                  	if ((length $::g_BillContact{'NAME'}) > 0)		# if the contact name exists
                  		$sTemp = $::g_BillContact{'SALUTATION'} . " " . $::g_BillContact{'NAME'};
                  		@Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($sTemp);
                  		$sInvoiceName .= $Response[1] . "<BR>\n";	# add it to the message display
                  	$::s_VariableTable{$::VARPREFIX.'INVOICENAME'} = $sInvoiceName; # add the invoice address to the reciept
                  	my %HashID = (
                  		'JOBTITLE' => 'INVOICEJOBTITLE',
                  		'COMPANY'  => 'INVOICECOMPANY',
                  		'ADDRESS1' => 'INVOICEADDRESS1',
                  		'ADDRESS2' => 'INVOICEADDRESS2',
                  		'ADDRESS3' => 'INVOICEADDRESS3',
                  		'ADDRESS4' => 'INVOICEADDRESS4',
                  		'POSTALCODE' => 'INVOICEPOSTCODE',
                  		'COUNTRY'  => 'INVOICECOUNTRY',
                  		'PHONE'    => 'INVOICEPHONE|-1|348',
                  		'FAX'      => 'INVOICEFAX|-1|349',
                  		'EMAIL'    => 'INVOICEEMAIL|-1|350',
                  		'USERDEFINED' => 'INVOICEUSERDEFINED|0|14'
                  	ActinicOrder::HashToVarTable(\%HashID, \%::g_BillContact, \%::s_VariableTable);

                  This is what I have tried:

                  # Invoice first
                  	my ($sInvoiceName);
                  	undef $sTemp;
                  	if ((length $::g_BillContact{'NAME'}) > 0)		# if the contact name exists
                  		$sTemp = $::g_BillContact{'SALUTATION'} . " " . $::g_BillContact{'NAME'} . " " . $::g_BillContact{'INVOICEJOBTITLE'};
                  		@Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($sTemp);
                  		$sInvoiceName .= $Response[1] . "<BR>\n";	# add it to the message display
                  	$::s_VariableTable{$::VARPREFIX.'INVOICENAME'} = $sInvoiceName; # add the invoice address to the reciept
                  	my %HashID = (
                  		'COMPANY'  => 'INVOICECOMPANY',
                  		'ADDRESS1' => 'INVOICEADDRESS1',
                  		'ADDRESS2' => 'INVOICEADDRESS2',
                  		'ADDRESS3' => 'INVOICEADDRESS3',
                  		'ADDRESS4' => 'INVOICEADDRESS4',
                  		'POSTALCODE' => 'INVOICEPOSTCODE',
                  		'COUNTRY'  => 'INVOICECOUNTRY',
                  		'PHONE'    => 'INVOICEPHONE|-1|348',
                  		'FAX'      => 'INVOICEFAX|-1|349',
                  		'EMAIL'    => 'INVOICEEMAIL|-1|350',
                  		'USERDEFINED' => 'INVOICEUSERDEFINED|0|14'
                  	ActinicOrder::HashToVarTable(\%HashID, \%::g_BillContact, \%::s_VariableTable);
                  But on ther receipt I now end up with:

                  MR Forename
                  NETQUOTEVAR:INVOICEJOBTITLE Address 1
                  Address 2
                  Post Code
                  United Kingdom
                  Phone: 1234567890

                  I can't see why there is a <BR> after the forename unless there is some other formatting going on elsewhere. Im also guessing im using the wrong variable to include the surname (should it be 'JobTitle' instead maybe).


                    Sorry Rushal - you're editing a completely different bit of code to the one I talk about in post #19 in the thread I linked to.


                      Thought I might be, lol! Would explain why it doesn't work and why my head hurts looking at all that Perl.

                      Ok, I think i'll chuck the towel in and have someone else have a look at this as Perl really isn't for me (give me spectrum basic anyday).

                      Thanks for your help anyway.

