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    I agree it's a great mod and does potentially help limit the calls from people regarding when they will get there order but i do feel as the mod uses the users system clock from there PC to calculate the delivery date it is open to causing all sorts of problems.

    For Example: Customer has the time/date set to something completely wrong for what ever reason the data displayed is therefore also wrong, (i noticed this as my misses has a pc set to Australina time as she calls home a lot and it makes it easy to see the Aussie time) or even if they only have noty set there set to auto update day light savings time and effectively there clock is one hours out and this could then mean them expecting a dleivery on completely the wrong day.

    Can the script maybe be modded to perhaps use the server time and date instead of the users system data? One thought here would be the script would also need a setting to allow for different servers using different times EG: GMT or GMT +1 etc


      OK i missed this, probably to busy working, well actually trying to get the poxy forum to load

      Nice piece of script. something else for me to try and break, i recon this could be fun



        Here's a nice variation (on
        Attached Files
        Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

        Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


          Fantastic bit of code, will be very useful.

          Sorry to be a pain but our couriers arrive just after the half hour.

          Is there a way to modify the code so that is swaps the date at say 16.30pm instead of on the hour?


            I don't use this word often, being too old to get away with it, but this thread is awesome in its awesomeness. Only came across it today!

            So many people to thank for their inputs.

            Have got our version of the code working here, with links to it at the checkout, and code adjusted for 2pm cut-off and various shipping options.

            The weekend ones are tricky but I think we are sorted now. Mind you, the internet security really does not like the clock being changed a gazillion times while testing
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              Originally posted by guccij View Post
              Have got our version of the code working here
              That's a very good, if a bit OTT, application of it! The crazy thing is they will still telephone you to ask....

              Mine is used in the right hand panel on every page.

              Don't forget to adjust it leading up to Bank Holidays, Jules!
     - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

              Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

