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Checkout Page 2

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    Checkout Page 2


    I've been using actinic business for just over 6 months now and my site went live just before xmas.

    Just wondering if anyone can help me with a minor detail on Checkout Page 2. I was wondering if it is possible to only show the credit card details form only when a customer chooses to pay by credit card.

    So if someone chooses to pay by cheque, i don't want to show the credit card details table. I only want this to show if they choose credit card.

    Hope someone can help with this one.

    Many thanks


    Sounds to me like you are using a payment method you are recommended not to. You also failed to provide a URL typically . If it is the site i managed to find, then i also need to be registered to be able to buy anything or even look at this for you.

    So you probably have two of the very worst problems on your site, if i have the correct site that is.

    How's about providing a URL and a login so we can see what you have setup, help us to help you etc.?


      Hi Lee,

      The URL is

      username: test
      password: test


        Doesn't work - did you upload the user account?


          sorry guys,

          it should be working now


            Hi Eddy

            I think this is probably one for the wish list. The way to do it is with a JavaScript toggle where you edit the layout to put a <div> tag around your payment methods with an id of 'card-details' (or something) then you put some javascript into the page that says 'if the customer selects this particular payment method, show the fields, otherwise hide them'. This is pretty advanced though. I've never done it, and I'm not sure our support team will be able to help you with it either.

