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RRP--I still don't get it

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    RRP--I still don't get it

    Ok so I know there are so many posts on how to have

    Product Valued Over: 100 (strikethrough)
    Your Price: 90

    I have searched and searched and none of the threads I have found fully explain what to do. I know I was supposed to set up a variable but well to put it plainly I need details step by step on how to do this and where to input the info once done.

    Can anyone help me by providing detailed directions?


    i just happen to have been working on this so here goes (how i did it but not necessarily the best or ony way)

    go to design > Library and select the variables tab

    right click on product and select New Variable

    type a name for the variable (i used ProductRRP) give it a description and a propt (I used RRP)

    in the group drop down select Product and then tick the site and product options in the place of setting, tab name = General, type = Text, tick the Allow Empty Value and leave the Initial Value and Top Level Value options empty (this will allow you to not enter the RRP of a product if and where necessary.

    Here's a pic:

    ok now before ii move on i repeated this process but added a further variable for a You Save amount (this allows me to have RRP: £X.XX You Save £X.XX displayed on the site) if you require this simply follow the above but change the variable Name, Description & Prompt accordingly (In my case i used YouSave, The amount between retails and our price)

    ok now you have the variables set up, you now need to go to a product and give them a value, basically select any product and within the general tab scroll down and in the product field at the bottom you will now see 2 new field which you can type a value in to (RRP & You Save)

    Simply type in whatever you want here (leave the pound sign out just enter the amount. For example 2.99 in the RRP and 0.29 in the You Save and click Apply Changes.

    Ok now all we need to do is add these details to a product. Basically have a product selected and then click the design tab work now where you want to display the RRP and You Save amounts simply use the following code:

    <br/><font color ="#ff9900"><b><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductRRP%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >RRP £<actinic:variable name="ProductRRP" /></actinic:block> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22YouSave%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >| You Save £<actinic:variable name="YouSave" /></actinic:block></b></font>
    Click Apply (This will only work if you have called the variables ProductRRP and YouSave and if you have called them soemthing else the condition of the blocks will need to be chanegd to use the correct variable) and then you should see the RRP and You Save amounts apppear on the product something like this:

    Now the block if's used in the code above allow for empty fields so for example if you put RRP variable 2.99 it would display RRP £2.99 but not the | or You Save and visa versa. or if you have nothing in the RRP or You Save variables it will display nothing (i did it this way as some products we might sell at RRP so having the data displayed would be pointless.

    You can change the text font, color etc to be whatever you want and if you want the strike through the RRP amount simply chaneg the code to this:

    <br/><font color ="#ff9900"><b><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductRRP%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >RRP <strike>£<actinic:variable name="ProductRRP" /></strike></actinic:block> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22YouSave%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >| You Save £<actinic:variable name="YouSave" /></actinic:block></b></font>
    Basically this has the addition of <strike> </strike> around the RRP.


      strongly recommend that you put a <span class="rrp"> . . . </span> around the values rather than individually styling each entry.

      When you get fed up with the style, its just a matter of changing ONE entry, not every individual entry


        If you use the option Kevin suggests you have the initial extra step of adding the required styles to the stylesheet but yes this slight tweak in the long run could make changes later easier.

        Just another note on this mod/tweak to show RRP and Saving you can use the same code to display the RRP and Saving amount within areas such as the related products, new products, best sellers etc etc in which case the tweak to use a styleshet to style the text is recommended where as if your only displaying it on the product pages it is not really necessary as changing the text style is no easier using the stylesheet method as it will either way only need to be changed in a sinlge location.


          Thank you!!

          They you so much for helping me, I feel so dumb now because the reason I was having so much trouble is I didn't realize that I needed to input the code into the layouts... how silly of me I assumed it would do so automatically. (can you tell i'm not the best with code?)

          What would the code look like if I added the span class?

          Thank you agian for the help!!!


            What would the code look like if I added the span class?
            Depnds what style you apply to the class in the css
            Keep up

            Try something like this:
            .rrp {
            font-size: 14px;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            color: #CC0000;
            text-decoration: line-through;

            but do what you want (just did this in case you had no idea).

            Boxhedge New Media Design
            Design and development solutions for SME's.
            Tel: 0118 966 2786
            Examples of work can be found at


              the only small issue i have with the using the stylesheet is that if you tell it to have the strike through everything does unless you have two styles and then thats actually more work than simply adding the formatting to the product page.

              EG: <strike>RRP: £2.99 You Save £0.29</strike>

              Where as simply adding the formatting to the layouts like in my example you could have the strike through the RRP and not everything else which to me seems more logical and to be honest you have to go to all the layout to add the span class etc etc and crete the additions in the style sheet so for me it's easier to simply add the formatting.

              <br/><font color ="#ff9900"><b><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductRRP%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >RRP<strike> £<actinic:variable name="ProductRRP" /></strike></actinic:block> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22YouSave%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >| You Save £<actinic:variable name="YouSave" /></actinic:block></b></font>


                I stand corrected "css is dead long live html hardcoding!".

                You're right either method works, go with what you know.

                Boxhedge New Media Design
                Design and development solutions for SME's.
                Tel: 0118 966 2786
                Examples of work can be found at


                  Originally posted by bangers
                  I stand corrected "css is dead long live html hardcoding!".
                  LOL Lee, classic, post of the day for me.
                  Long live the font tag!


                    Originally posted by bangers
                    I stand corrected "css is dead long live html hardcoding!".
                    If you wrap the RRP into another nested <table> that will also resolve any layout issues at the same time

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      If you wrap the RRP into another nested <table> that will also resolve any layout issues at the same time
                      Capital idea Jont, cutting down on code, I like it. If you wrap that nested table into another nested table you could apply a background image to the content. The possibilities are endless.
                      Boxhedge New Media Design
                      Design and development solutions for SME's.
                      Tel: 0118 966 2786
                      Examples of work can be found at


                        Thanks again.

                        Thanks to everyone!! I feel relieved I finally have actinic doing what I want! Take care,


                          personally, I'd just make it a nice scrolling marquee text and be done with it


                            Originally posted by budgetbumps
                            personally, I'd just make it a nice scrolling marquee text and be done with it

                            oooh why do people always try and make everything soo hard

                            simple styling is all that is required nothing major, why not create 2 classes, one for the strike through on the RRP unless of course you want strike through on both RRP and You Save, and one class for the you save without strike through

                            or do it this way

                            .rrp {

                            Put the strike through in the code

                            <strike>£<actinic:variable name="ProductRRP" /></strike>

                            then you have the best of both worlds



                              Originally posted by Darren B
                              oooh why do people always try and make everything soo hard
                     don't want me to actually answer that one, do you?

