Please can someone help me - we're trying to setup our current site
to allow a customer to go to for example a model of guitar and purchase it in whatever finish they like of the available range.
To show the different finishes is easy - Norman at Drillpine has a great plugin for this !!
But is there a way to create an item that has a drop down/radio button menu with say a blue finish being 1 price and the black another so the program will add whichever selected to the cart with the relevant price - I've tried everything and got nowhere !!
to allow a customer to go to for example a model of guitar and purchase it in whatever finish they like of the available range.
To show the different finishes is easy - Norman at Drillpine has a great plugin for this !!
But is there a way to create an item that has a drop down/radio button menu with say a blue finish being 1 price and the black another so the program will add whichever selected to the cart with the relevant price - I've tried everything and got nowhere !!