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Using Content Categories & a CSS problem

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    Using Content Categories & a CSS problem


    I have a 3 column product list and want to start a new row whenever the content category changes, is this possible? If so how?

    Now the CSS issue.....

    I'm getting a different layout in Section List from Sub-Section List ( I think this is the way to describe it)

    I have the following in Sub-Section

    <h2 class="yellowBG marginTop"><actinic:variable name="SectionName" /></h2>
    <p class="paddingleft paddingright"><img class="paddingleft paddingright" src="<actinic:variable name="SectionImageFileName" />" align="right"><br/><span style='font-size: 11px;'><actinic:variable name="SectionDescription" /></p><br/>

    and the following in Section

    <h2 class="yellowBG marginTop"><actinic:variable name="SectionName" /></h2>
    <p class="paddingleft paddingright"><img class="paddingleft paddingright" src="<actinic:variable name="SectionImageFileName" />" align="right"><br/><span style='font-size: 11px;'><actinic:variable name="SectionDescription" /></p><br/>

    What I need is the image to appear on the right and the text to start on the left, but when the image is a wide as the div then the text should start below.

    However, the Sub-Section does this fine but the Section starts the text on the left on the first line and so does the image, creating a mess.

    V9 by the way.

    URL and example on request.


    Andrew Gilbert

    You need to have a full CSS floating list layout and layouts. A product layout which needs to start on its own line could have a clear:both <br> at the top which is actioned when required. Whether you can run that via category, i doubt it personally. I'd be more inclined to have a product scoped variable and i can set when it is to break onto its own line. The clearing br would be fired by this condition. Must be full CSS though.

