I was discussing your pedantry the other day, it was very amusing, i explained that i post the code i think, then i have to give it the 'Jonty' check to look for any loopholes or slackness. You will see that i removed a div, compresssed the CSS, added the title attribute and moved the text away from the image with a new class. I wouldn't be arsed doing half of that if it had not been for you.
I was most impressed you removed the extra <div> ... I don't care what the others say... you do care deep down
I do care you are right and i also agree with the idea of billing you, you make all posts twice as long to do. If it is not my grammar and spelling under scrutiny, it is my code. One thing i am absolutely crap at doing is capitalising the i, that must stem from programs all over the place doing it for you. I hate it but there is just too many to change.
Hi Lee...when I check the style sheet the changes are there but they're not showing when I update or refesh the site...very strange
In my actinic preview pane we now have the images centered but the text is still aligned to the left.
Really appreciate all your help
Many thanks
To be honest, i think you are not adding the styles correctly into the stylesheet as i've never known a problem in that area. You are adding them into the bottom window on the design tab after you have selected the stylesheet? open the stylesheet from in the design library to check and always add your styles to the bottom.
The text is not centered as the class applied to the heading and the class applied to the description have not been told to center. You have 3 parts to the layout and 3 classes (1 to each). The classes need to now reflect how you want to style them, plus you need to learn how to put them into the stylesheet correctly.
There is definately a problem regarding the stylesheet, it doesnt pick up the changes when I do a refresh and I've had to start ftp-ing into the server and draggging it in manually but anyway thanks for all the help
Neil Bosley
The Ink Depot
Hmm that is a strange one, you certainly don't want to be getting involved in manual intervention if you can help it, although the fact that you are doing that leads me to still believe you are not adding in the correct place. I can see it is all working online now, looks good. I can't help thinking you might be making a mistake when adding your styles though, i've never seen an issue like that before. Most people make the mistake of not working on the stylesheet in the design tab, are you definitely working on it within the design tab? Hopefully it's nothing serious, worse case scenario is that you might need to get it over to support.
Select the stylesheet from within the design|library, see if it shows in there. I'm confused what's going on and i want to know now lol.
Yes its very stange....Yep the new styles are in the stylesheet, I added the new styles to the bottom of the style sheet so I've got no idea why the changes arent being picked up when I refresh or update the site. I have to use the style sheet from the site preview folder and ftp it to the server as mentioned before.
Neil Bosley
The Ink Depot
are the changes showing IN your uploaded stylesheet? (before you upload your 'working' one)
ie..is Actinic uploading the stylesheet and ignoring it...or is it not uploading it?
Very strange i must say, i have no idea what is happening to be honest. I do think you should go 3 wide though, think it will look more compact and appealing and will reduce scrolling.
It appears that stylesheet isnt being uploaded, if I ftp into the server and view the stylesheet after a refresh or update the changes made to the stylesheet arent there....this is very frustrating
Neil Bosley
The Ink Depot