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Product Layouts Not showing in Site Options

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    Product Layouts Not showing in Site Options

    Actinic Version HMVA

    Continuing my "Hate, Love" relationship with Actinic I have a basic question that I am unable to find the answer to either in this forum, in the knowledge base, or even from the great god Google, probably because I am not asking it in a form that the search algorithms can understand!

    So hoping a kindly human may take pity on a simple human who is fed up to the back teeth with Actinic's often bizarre inbuilt complexity here goes.

    I have followed the instructions on here to create a new product layout for one store based on an existing layout from another store. The new layout is in the library but it doesn't show up in the site options drop down, WHY and what do I have to do to make it appear?

    What is even more annoying is that when I select "New" from the site options drop downs and try to create a product layout of the same name the flipping thing tells me it already exists in the library but it refuses to display it as an option I can actually choose and use!

    Calming down now..

    I presume you mean it's not showing in the dropdown in the layouts tab for your products?

    You need to add it to the ProductLayout selector.

    Design > Library > Layout Tab >Products > Double click on the ProductLayout selector (the swirly circle type thing)

    Go to 'Values' and move your new layout from the left list to the right list. This makes it available for selection in the Product Layout dropdown.

    I can only assume this is the step that is missing.


      Tracy Hands you are an angel in every sense of the word. Many thanks.
      I would have never have found that in a month of Sunday's!

      It's just one of the biggest downsides to Actinic in that it makes you go through such a process just to perform a relatively simple task.
      However I love the way Actinic works in the wild.
      Apart from its ludicrously long shopping cart on multiple pages (hint: check out 's shopping cart layout to see how it should be done IMHO) Actinic works very very well and allows me to concentrate on prising more cash from my customers, sorry enhancing the customers shopping experience.

      Once again thanks for your rapid, concise and very accurate explanation of the solution.


        Originally posted by bamboo View Post
        Tracy Hands you are an angel in every sense of the word.
        Don't worry Derek you will retract that one day


          Glad you got it sorted, Derek
          Happy to help

          (I'm going to ignore Darren for now...I'm keeping count!)

