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Layout Issue

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    Layout Issue

    Good morning all,

    I'm getting a little, (a lot really), confused over this.....

    Products are split into Sections and some have sub-Sections. I have used the Content Categories for Products so that these can then be broken down further within the Section or sub-Section.

    I want to be able to use the Content Category to determine
    1) the product layout
    2) place some text in the layout to show that the Content Category has changed.

    The general layout of products on the site is two columns, and some sub-Sections require this standard (2 column) layout for one fo the Content Categories and just a single column list for other products in another Content Category.

    So if my products are:
    Section A
    Product 1 - content category x
    Product 2 - content category x
    Product 3 - content category y
    Product 4 - content category y
    Product 5 - content category z

    The layout should be:

    Section A
    content category x
    Product 1 & Product 2

    content category y
    Product 3
    Product 4

    content category z
    Product 5

    I have looked through the help files and kb and forum but am really struggling to find something that covers this eough to make sense of it.

    The help file ' How to make new settings appear for some products but not others?' doesn't really address my issue as I don't see why I need to create another variable when the content category is alredy there and what I want to use.

    Any direction and help on this is greatly appreciated.


    Content categories are not for that purpose and cannot be used in that way as far as i know. They are for limiting variables shown mainly (or only).


      It can be done but is not a standard tick option in actinic unfortunately

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        OK, thanks.

        If it's not a tick option, who has the code or the capacity to do it?

        So by not using the content categories I will have to use variables, but it is possible then to produce the layout I require?

