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Using the engravement script...with editable DW version!

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    Using the engravement script...with editable DW version!

    Hi all. Weve purchased the "Engraving / Embroidering" - perfect for the product. We have the script now, and reasonably easy to install, BUT - apparently the script and installation is set up for the standard actinic layouts that they provide. We have done created our site AWAY from that - making it a bit tricky.

    The instructions follows with these 2 things -

    (2) In the Actinic Content Tree, click on any Product Section.
    Then select the Design Tab, then the Design Tree (bottom right).
    Click the top of the Design Tree (on default site - "Works Best with Reflective").
    In the Layout Code window look for the line (about line 65 - NOT the <head> line near the top):


    Paste the following above it.

    <script language="javascript" src="textfieldsupport.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></script>

    (3) Look in your Overall Layout for the fragment (it's in the <BODY ...> line):


    amend it to read (leave the rest of the line intact)


    Click Apply.

    2 seems to be easy enough to add. but number 3 makes it tough, because we have rollovers - ie -

    <body onload="MM_preloadImages('rollover1/home2.jpg','rollover1/pro2.jpg','rollover1/his2.jpg','rollover1/inst2.jpg............">

    Ive altered it to =
    <body onload="refreshcounts(); MM_preloadImages('rollover1/home2.jpg','rollover1/pro2.jpg','rollover1/his2.jpg',

    But doesnt quite work. Any ideas? I know this is a bit tricky and long windered, but thought it would be worth a while here. The instructions are attached also.
    Attached Files

    You might want to contact Norman directly via or post a message on the forums here:


      I've been helping with this but as I don't have the DW integration I cannot walk anyone through how to do this.

      All we're trying to do is to add some code above the </head> tag in the overall layout.

      If someone can describe how to do this via DreamWeaver that would help a lot.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        If you select the code tab in DW, it shows in a very similar way to what it does on the design tab in actinic. Just linear code, nothing much different apart from different coloured text. Body Onload code looks this in DW:

        <body onload="<actinic:variable value="PreloadImages" name="OnLoadScript" />">


          Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
          I've been helping with this but as I don't have the DW integration I cannot walk anyone through how to do this.

          All we're trying to do is to add some code above the </head> tag in the overall layout.

          If someone can describe how to do this via DreamWeaver that would help a lot.
          The code in dreamweaver looks the same as the code in actinic (well almost)

          <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
          // -->
          <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->

          <body onload="PreloadImages('../button_back_highlight.gif','../button_checkout_highlight.gif','../button_contact_highlight.gif','../butto
          Just make sure that the Actinic and Dreamweaver are linked together.


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