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section & Sub section layout

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    section & Sub section layout

    I have a strange problem, ( I think its a problem )

    I have a custom layout for my products that are in a sub section:

    My main section :

    The problem is I now want to create a custom layout for my main section that is diffrent from my sub section layout but when I set my new custom layout to the main section actinic applies the same layout to the sub section within it, is it possible to have 1 custom layout for my main section and a diffrent custom layout for a sub section? If so what is it that I am doing worng? how do I stop actinic from auto applying the layout to the sub section

    The sub section is set as standard to the "use parent" setting UNLESS you tell it not to. If you change the layout on the subsection to what you want it to use, it will not use what its parent is using then. You have to set them if you do not want them to use the site 'master' layout which is set in site options and cascades as the parent layout.


      Im my site options: my Section link layout is not set to use parent but set as my custom layout for my subsection layout,

      But still If I change my main section layout to my new layout it also changes the subsection layout to the same and vise versa, Am I being a muppet?


        Take 10 minutes out to learn and study what 'use parent' means and how it works. It will save you hours if you use it correctly. On any section see what layout is set for it, if it says use parent, its using the layout specified on its parent. Its a family tree basically, site options sets the master layout to use on the store and all sections use this layout unless they are told differently. Read what the actual layout name says on each section that is not doing as you wish.


          It's a bizarre one this Lee, I've spoken with Anthony and I drilled him about what he was seeing and talked him through checking the design library layout values for a new layout he wanted to test, but we still couldn't fathom it out. Anthony if you've not sorted it be Monday, skype me and I'll take another look.

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            I'd be astonished to see it as anything other than user error to be honest. People tend to get very confused in this area, particularly on section link layout. They select a section, change it's section link layout and then expect the preview to show that change - ner ner - the look of that section is shown on the next level up isn't it. Whenever you select a section, it show what's inside it, not what it looks like.


              Originally posted by leehack View Post
              the look of that section is shown on the next level up
              This is one of the most confusing concepts to get to grips with when starting out - it makes sense once you realise but it is not how you would expect it to work. It is also a pain when you have a TLS layout and the subs are different and you have to set the subs manually instead of inheriting.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by jont View Post
                It is also a pain when you have a TLS layout and the subs are different and you have to set the subs manually instead of inheriting.
                As a grand master of blockifs yourself, there's really no need for that with section level used wisely .

