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Product List Colum

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    Product List Colum


    Is it possible to lay out products on a page in V9 with different amount of colums on different rows?

    I understand that by editing the product list you can alter the colum count on the first - middle - and last row of a prduct list, but what happens if i would like for example on a page with 6 rows of products:

    1 product in 1 colum in the first and seccond row,
    2 products in 2 colums in the 3rd and 4th row,
    1 product in 1 colum in the 5th row and
    2 products in 2 colums in the final 6th row.

    Any help will be greatly apreciated. - Seriously Good Cookware

    It is possible, but you'd have to convert your inner layout to full CSS and then create multiple product layouts with widths specified on each layout and then finally float all those layouts left. So if you had 1000px to play with and created a layout 200px wide, 5 of those could go next to each other on same row, whereas a 250px wide layout would only allow 4 etc.

    You have to scrap the actinic product list layout.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      You have to scrap the actinic product list layout.
      You still need the list but you have to remove the <table> <td> <tr> tags from the layout list columns.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Personally I'd make copies of the layouts and make the edits in those - that way you can compare the two - this has often saved me a bunch of time trying to work out why one of my product layouts didn't work.
        Wayne Theisinger

        The Web's just settling in. We got the tech, now let's put up something that matters.


          It isn't so much the product layout but the layout list which inserts the products ... to get the alternating layout the table structure needs replacing in the layout list (the orange link)

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

