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Back Button on Checkout Page 0

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    Back Button on Checkout Page 0

    Hi all,

    Has anyone managed to put a 'Back' button on checkout page 0? Actinic say it can be done, but its not in their cover remit.

    This is so that if a customer moves on from the cart page and then decides to change their mind or add another item, they can just press a back button on the checkout page to go back to the cart and do this. At the moment there isn't one and if you use the browser back button in IE it says no page and you have to refresh.

    I tried to paste in the button from page 1, but I need to have the right script in there somehow to take it to the cart page.

    I couldn't see anywhere that anyone had done it, but thought I'd ask you experts!


    Helen x
    Gifts by Post & Giftwrapping Service

    I've recently had the exact same conversation with a client, the reason there is no back button is because there are 2 ways in which the person got there. You are thinking solely about those that clicked from the cart page, but that is not them all, people can go direct to the checkout and bypass the cart by using the checkout button. We decided to leave off the back button as it will cause 50% more confusion than not having it at all.


      You could, I guess, add a "back to cart" button and give it the url to show the cart i.e. yourdomain/cgi-bin/
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        Yes that's what I was thinking of. Even if they get there from somewhere else, the items must be in the cart and if they went to the cart, from there they can adjust the qty or select continue shopping. To avoid confusion you could call the button 'back to Cart'.

        It is particularly handy for me as quite a few of my customers want to ship to a third party and they forget to add giftwrap or want to change something and I am getting a lot of aborted orders and then they retry completely. Customer error 99% of the time, but I wonder if a back to cart button would help.

        So I will give your script a try, thanks. Just gotta suss out how to rename or create a new button
        Gifts by Post & Giftwrapping Service


          PS I may be in touch about your stock thingy. I'm looking to upgrade to V9 first (unless anyone thinks it's not worth it!) and then I will give it a go.

          It's a good idea as I am constantly having to update to amend stock and it takes forever these days.

          Gifts by Post & Giftwrapping Service


            Surely if you add the word 'back' into anything, you are implying they will go back a step exactly as the back button has taught them for the past 10 years? For what you are talking about, i'd suggest a 'view cart' would be an infinitely better name. No confusion and clearly named then.

            However most sites have both a 'view cart' and a 'checkout' button already which the user will also be accustomed to, as they have already visited these places, so I still don't see the worth personally. The use of the word 'back' is a mistake no matter what though, that is entrenched in basis website operation and should be left that way.


              Thanks Lee.

              Fact is that customers never do what you want them to and it's difficult sometimes knowing what to do for the best. You would hope that they would think of using the view cart or checkout button on the top of the page, but they don't and to be fair, I suppose when you are on that checkout page it looks like the cart page, except you can't adjust anything, so they probably think that's it. Well I know they do, cos they cancel instead and re do it.

              Life is full of not knowing what to do for the best eh
              Gifts by Post & Giftwrapping Service


                It certainly is, perhaps something as clear as day like "adjust your order" is warranted then, heaven knows lol. It'd be good to see it tested with various solutions actually, see which works best.


                  Originally posted by Bonjour View Post
                  Just gotta suss out how to rename or create a new button
                  Hi Helen

                  The best option would be to create a nice clear image with text along the lines that Lee suggests (i.e. "adjust your order" or similar) and add it to a prominent position in your cart layout and wrap an <a href="yourdomain/cgi-bin/"> </a> tag around it.
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                    I'm just trying a simpler option at the moment - just a banner on the page saying:

                    Forgot to add Giftwrap or need to make changes?
                    Select 'View Basket' at the top of the page.

                    Can't make it plainer than that and I will see how this goes.

                    Gifts by Post & Giftwrapping Service


                      I use this in ACT_ShoppingCart.html and it works well.

                      <!-- added previous button to cart -->
                      <input type="button" value="<<< Previous Page" onClick="window.location.href='JavaScript:window.history.go(-1);'">
                      <!-- END -->

