QR Codes are a clever way to get information, into a mobile device, with a camera.
You generate a code, display it on your site, or print it on a document, then when the user uses their camera to take a picture of it, the information is decoded, and action is taken.
This action might be:
- add or dial a phone number
- go to an URL
- send an SMS
- send an email
- navigate to a GPS location
- display some text
that last one is interesting, becasue it means we can use it for things like stock management, and to basically use it any way we want.
i'm going to show you a clever way to use it, I put together an example that works in any ecommerce cart. in fact, it works on any website.
paste this code into any page where it will be displayed ONLY ONCE
when you view the page, you'll get a link. if you click it, the current full url is sent to the google charts API, and creates a QR-Code. You may recognise this code. You'll have seen it on all sorts of promos, posters and packages.
now, the fun part.
if your mobile does not support it already (And some do), go here:
and install their software. here is a compatibility list:
A QR code reader is free for iphone and android mobiles too.
use the reader and snapshot the code, it'll give you an option to go to that URL. What we did was, transfer the current page to your mobile. useful for when you want to leave your desk, or if you want to right click, and save the QRCODE for later use, to navigate to that page.
Need to generate some clever QR codes, for your business card, or your contact page?
This page lets you generate your address too, so people can use their GPS based phones to find you easily.
I got this working in Actinic with a simple paste of the code. Where will you use it?
You generate a code, display it on your site, or print it on a document, then when the user uses their camera to take a picture of it, the information is decoded, and action is taken.
This action might be:
- add or dial a phone number
- go to an URL
- send an SMS
- send an email
- navigate to a GPS location
- display some text
that last one is interesting, becasue it means we can use it for things like stock management, and to basically use it any way we want.
i'm going to show you a clever way to use it, I put together an example that works in any ecommerce cart. in fact, it works on any website.
paste this code into any page where it will be displayed ONLY ONCE
HTML Code:
<div style="padding:20px; clear:both;"> <a id="qrcodelink" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.getElementById('qrcodelink').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('qrcodeimg').src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl='+location.href+'&choe=UTF-8'; document.getElementById('qrcode').style.display='Block'; return false;">QR-Code for this URL</a> <div id="qrcode" style="display:none;"> <img id="qrcodeimg" src="#"><br> <a id="qrcodehidelink" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.getElementById('qrcodelink').style.display='Inline'; document.getElementById('qrcode').style.display='none'; return false;">Hide Code</a> </div> </div>
now, the fun part.
if your mobile does not support it already (And some do), go here:
and install their software. here is a compatibility list:
A QR code reader is free for iphone and android mobiles too.
use the reader and snapshot the code, it'll give you an option to go to that URL. What we did was, transfer the current page to your mobile. useful for when you want to leave your desk, or if you want to right click, and save the QRCODE for later use, to navigate to that page.
Need to generate some clever QR codes, for your business card, or your contact page?
This page lets you generate your address too, so people can use their GPS based phones to find you easily.
I got this working in Actinic with a simple paste of the code. Where will you use it?