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Problems positioning fragments

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    Problems positioning fragments


    Ive made a website in Dreamweaver that i have then exported over to Actinic. Now, i would like users to edit various sections, which i understand can be done by inserting fragments.

    The problem is that the fragments are displayed in a list and i want to separate them into different div tags on the page.

    So far i have tried creating layout variables in various div tags but all i get is the full list and not specific fragments.

    is there any way around this?



    Do you mean wrap each fragment in a <div class=""> or unique <div id="">

    If the later you need to first wrap the fragment layout between your <div> and to give the unique identifier you can use the ListIndex variable eg:

    <div id="frag-ListIndex"> ... the readable version

    <div id="frag-<actinic:variable name="ListIndex" /> .... the actinic version

    This will increment the id as frag-1, frag-2, frag-3 etc

    If you need specific naming of the identifier you will need to look at a user defined variable against the fragment and set accordingly.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      thanks, well i managed to to get only one post in the seperate div tag that i wanted by using the ListIndex variable that you told me to use and then using a if Block ListID == 3 to just display the third fragment.

      However, the same fragment still appears in the main section with the other two i just want the first and second fragment to appear in the main section.




        I thought you wanted to uniquely identify each <div>

        If you want to only show the first 2 <div> than use

        ListIndex <= 2

        put that in a block around the layout in the list

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          See for a similar concept you can build from

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            yes i managed to do it thanks it displays in the right place now.

            A problem that has come from this is that the text that i enter in the fragment text field burst out of the div box and doesn't constrain to the size of the div i set in the css.

            does that mean i have to somehow control the size of the text field within the fragment details section?


              Unless you specify a fixed with in the CSS or the containing table cell the text will wrap - sounds like you may have borked the code somewhere as all you are doing with the ListIndex <= 2 is telling the layout list to iterate twice and no more .... the layout code is not affected by this.

              Look at your fragment layout again and compare back to factory settings in the library then check your CSS.

              If you are wanting a fixed width it may be best declaring that in the <div class="n"> so it fits correctly across all browsers.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                yes, i changed the table to a fixed width and it worked

                thanks for your help

