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Basic layout query?

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    Basic layout query?

    I am not to happy with the graphical layout in my product list, which looks to be using "Product list with horizontal dividers".

    I am happy with the general layout of it, but don't like the way the title text is squeezed into the right hand of the layout at the side of the image & above the spiel text.

    I guess there is no sort of WYSIWYG editing available & I have looked for something that specifies the positions of the page components, but can't find anything.

    Is there an easy way to edit this so that I can have the text the full width of the available space, with the graphic & text below, a bit like;

    Title Text...........................................Title Text opossed to >.......Pic

    As you can probably imagine, I don't know much (if anything) about HTML, CSS..............

    Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier

    You are a level too high to start with - you need to be deeper - something like CSS Product Layout ... switch to the design tab and click on a product title to get the right layout.

    To have the product name spanning across the top move the ProductTitle to the top and wrap it in a div eg:


    with the rest of the code beneath. A div without a declared width will span to fill the available space.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Appreciated, that worked well.

      My "add to cart" button is at the top of the Spiel / product text - but it doesn't seem to be in the same layout page(Standard layout using CSS), but a level deeper in Addtocartbutton - but there doesn't seem to be any sort of position information there?
      Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


        The positioning for the add to cart button is at the same position as where you added the new <div> as above ... if you click on the button itself you go a level deeper.

        With most product layouts the cart button is floated to the right using CSS

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Thanks again for your assistance!!
          Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


            No problem. After a while it will suddenly click and you will be hacking the layouts like a pro

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

