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Problem with website index page.

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    Problem with website index page.

    OK - please bear with me. I'm a new user in the forums and trying to set up an actinic (V9) site for the first time - ( I have been doing this on and off now for quite a few months and this is a concerted effort to actually get it operational). I am slowly getting the hang of it and have quite a few sections and products set up. However I have a problem with the front page (the one that is displayed when a customer types in my website name The problem is that I do not know where the text at the top of the LH column (KnitPro needles and accessories) is coming from - I want to delete it. I have temporarily marked ALL my sections and products as 'deleted' in an effort to identify the source of the text but even with everything deleted except the online catalog page it is still there. I recognise it as something I probably wrote once - but cannot now locate where the site is finding that text. Could Actinic somehow have 'remembered' this text from a previous configuration?

    I hope this makes sense - any help would be appreciated.

    The link to "KnitPro Needles and Accessories" is possibly a link to your store top page (the bundle of money icon in the Content Tree). Click that icon and look in Catalog Details / Page Settings / Base Page Name to see it it's set there.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Problem resolved

      Thanks for takking the time to respond.

      The problem seems to have been resolved by deleting a 'test subsection' file from the site1/sitehtml folder. I really don't have any idea how or why but the results I get now are what I was expecting.

      Thank you again. Your answer - whether pinpointing the problem or not - made me look harder :-) I apprreciate it.

