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Auto Resize - Extended Information

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    Auto Resize - Extended Information

    Did anybody ever get this working properly? (using v9.05 Bus JHZA)

    Read every thread (several times) and followed the KB article to create a new template in the design library but can't get it to add this template to the drop down

    I understand the KB workaround won't auto resize to fit all the information if you've added text/logos etc, so you then have to continue tweaking and add bits (like close window) back in.

    This feature would save so much time, so should I just keep calm and carry on with the uphill way of tailoring each pop up individually or is there hope for automation?

    Cheers all - Helen

    Easiest way to get a new layout included into a list is make sure (within the design library) you copy an existing one in the list, it will get auto added then for you. Just copy paste the contents of your new layout into the new copy you just created. Failing that, open up the pink selector and discover the 'values' tab, that's where the possible options are defined.


      Hi Lee

      Thanks for the advice. I've tried every which way - create from new - copy/rename - copy/don't rename - none of which brings the new template into the drop down. I've tried only using the code from the KB article, and a cobbling together of KB and an existing template but to no avail.

      Actinic was having one of it's bad days yesterday and kept hanging and crashing if I so much as breathed (the library obviously required total silence and no movement of any kind) so I had to admit defeat in the end. If it behaves itself today I'll give it another go.

      Regards - Helen


        If Actinic was having a bad day yesterday have you compacted the database?


          Hi Jo

          Oh yes - purged and compacted at least once a day, usually more as it crashes so often. I'm definitely a contender for the most dmp files as mentioned in another v9 thread

          Yesterday it decided that it was the design library's turn for mayhem, so every time I tried anything it hung and crashed - I'm not ruling this out as being a reason for it not working as expected. Today it will no doubt pick something different to misbehave on, so I'll give it another go.

          We're also linked to EPOS on a separate PC - I wouldn't think this has any bearing but to be honest I've given up with trying to figure out Actinic's foibles on v9. In 2 years there has never been any pattern to it's misbehaviour, so I've found it easier just to keep my head down and soldier on until I where I need to go.

          Regards - Helen


            OK - day 2 - same as day 1 on the hang/crash problem, so looks like the library is closed today as I need to get on with other things right now.

            While I'm watching the egg timer and waiting for the inevitable crash, I'm wondering if what I'm trying to do is really worth the bother? I've finally got some time to get some really important Actinic round-tuit jobs done (a woeful backlog) and I figured getting some work done on the pop ups while I'm adding new products (then working backwards) might be a good idea .

            I've seen some Actinic pop up pages listed in search results - you click but there's just the image and close window link - nothing to take you back to the store/original product page. Assuming that getting your html pages listed is always good, is it worth pursuing this for pop ups and all the work it would entail to make it work properly - be brutally honest please

            I would still like to perservere with the auto resizing as by it's nature it should save me no end of faffing around, but should a pop up just be left as a pop up and nothing more?

            Regards - Helen


              Ext info pages suck anyway, see it as a blessing in disguise and convert to using SPP with subsections instead, an infinitely better solution.


                Hi Lee - I've researched SPP quite a bit and understand it's pros from an SEO point of view, but it would cause immeasurable pain on a site wide basis (ref: Tracey with her Mothercare Maternity Pants!). I'm aiming to rejiggy using a bit of a mixture, with SPP where appropriate.

                I'm currently using pop ups for videos, project ideas etc as well as larger product images so I'm aiming to keep the page of products visible to the customer, with the pop up distinctively separate, which is where I'm thinking the traditional route works best (I stand to be corrected however ).

                It's whether to just keep on trucking and treat a pop up as nothing more than just an extra bit of optional info, or whether to treat them as potential extra page listings and get them formatted for that purpose. Any opinions?

                Anyhoo, I've got a little further with the original task - created a new layout from copy (crash), renamed (crash), pasted in the KB code (crash), opened up the pink selector and there's the new layout in values, added it to the list, click OK (crash). Re-open Actinic, it's still not in the list so I'm back to pink selector stage at the moment. Good old v9

                Regards - Helen

