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siteincludes.php issue when restoring snapshots

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    siteincludes.php issue when restoring snapshots

    this one is in v8, but I suspect it may be in later version.

    I've created customisations within siteincludes.php and then do a snapshot-export.
    I then change sites, and do a snapshot-import, and everything imports correctly (no errors)

    trouble is, when you do a preview of a web page, you start to get errors, all from the siteincludes.php (which, in my case, has changed)

    seems you need to do a restart of actinic in order for the new changes to come in.

    Perhaps Actinic should detect that siteincludes.php has changed, and prompt for a re-start at the end.

    (I realise that if you change siteincludes.php, then you need a restart, but it would be nice if actinic reminded you of it after importing snapshots, all it currently says "ok")


    Yes, a pain. You may even find that some PHP variables contain their values from the previous Actinic site if you've simply changed sites without a restart of Actinic.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      that last bit about variable values hanging on from the last site is a bit worrying.


        Re variable values being preserved form the last site. I did a quick test using 10.0.2 and that seems to be OK. Values set in siteincludes.php seem to be as expected when you change sites.

        However my testing showed up another "gotcha". Add
        !!<<actinic:block php="true">$myvariable .= ' Hello '; echo "Myvariable : $myvariable";</actinic:block>>!!
        to a Product Descption.

        When starting the site and viewing that product for the first time, I'd expect to see:

        Myvariable : Hello

        But I get

        Myvariable : Hello Hello Hello

        It seems that Actinic (on Previewing anyway) is executing the Product Description several times. Don'tcha love quirks!
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

