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How do I add a style for theme in actinic.css

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    How do I add a style for theme in actinic.css

    I am learning by making a copy of the 'outer layout for Silver Theme' and making changes to CSS. It seemed sensible to also make a copy of 'styles for Silve Theme' but I can't seem to find out how to get that incorporated into actinic.css in the same way that the existing themes are (the list at the bottom).
    Hope that makes sense to somebody and apologies if it's a trivial question

    Best to access that direct in the design library, it's brought into the main css via a selector so you can't really get it easily, unless you select a class used on the silver theme, highlight it, right click and select 'look up in stylesheet', it will take you there then.


      I think we might be talking at crossed purposes there, (at least I think thats why I didn't understand your answer).

      What I was getting at was that I had created a new Theme Stylesheet by making a copy of 'Styles for Silver Theme' in the library. I then assumed that I would need my new 'Styles for myTheme' to be added to that list which appears at the bottom of actinic.css so that my CSS would be picked up automatically whenever I added classes etc to my outer layout. I thought that this would be a more 'correct' was of doing things rather than creating a completely separate css file and putting a link in somewhere ?


        You're over complicating things, you will only have one site and therefore need one stylesheet. If you want to copy something to refer to or for confidence, then great no probs with that, but keep the copy of the original untouched and copy it before you start. All you then need to do is make your changes in the original stylesheet and leave it all working as standard.

        Even simpler than that is just adding your own styles into the very bottom of the main css, that way all the main has been loaded and also all of the style specific css has, yours then is loaded last.

        Protecting and keeping copies is fine, i understand that although it is unnecessary with a revert and compare facility in the library, but when you do it, don't let it complicate the usual course of action. Once copied, adjust things as you would if you were NOT making a copy, ie in the originals. If you don't you'll need to learn selectors too.


          Mission accomplished - switched to Advanced view in actinic.css and was then able to directly edit the name of my style layout (in the selector?)

          HTML Code:
          <actinic:variable value="Styles for My Green Theme (Copy)" name="ThemeStyles" />
          was that how I should have done it, or did I miss a simpler way?

          (didn't notice your reply appeared while I was typing this ...)

          I realise the simplicity of adding styles to the bottom, which is how I started doing it, but that suddenly becomes a lot more difficult if I want to then transfer my changes to another machine where those extra bits might get overwritten by the guy who's operating the 'live' site. At least doing it this way I can just export my theme and extras each time - or switch between themes to see what works best for the boss.


            You can right click on a selector and choose the layout selected, no need to expand it, unless you are happy doing it that way which is of course fine.

            I've had no confidence in a design or theme snapshot since they were first invented in V8, never been consistent enough and problematic at best IMO. If they work fine for you and you can use them, go for it, nice to hear of one successful story using them if nothing else.


              I actually use partial design snapshots quite a lot now with little problem. I find it's important to compact after importing and also to restart Actinic after importing however.

              I can't remember tha last time I used a full design snapshot however.


                Partials are largely fine I agree, full ones are seemingly an unsolvable issue.

