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Advice about displaying product choices

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    Advice about displaying product choices

    Looking for advice about displaying product choices, where each choice is a separate product.

    The most common solution is either a single Drop-down list (uses minimum display area), or a group of Radio Buttons (uses more display area). In either case, a shopper selects one product, enters the quantity, and clicks Add to Cart. The shopper thus adds one product to the cart.

    An alternative is the ‘Laid Out in Single Line’ layout, where all products are displayed in a compact layout, one below the other, each with their own Quantity box (uses the most display area). A shopper enters a quantity against each product required, and clicks a single Add Selected to Cart button. The shopper thus adds one or more products to the cart.

    For products which shoppers usually only buy one of (e.g. TV, Tools, Furniture), the Drop-down list or Radio Buttons are possibly OK. But for commodity products, which shoppers may buy more than one choice of (e.g. envelopes, packaging, screws), there may be an advantage in the alternative layout above, where the buyer can buy several choices at the same time. (Of course, even with Drop-down lists or Radio Buttons, the buyer can re-visit the product page to make further choices.)

    Now, my question:

    For commodity products specifically, is it your experience that shoppers are more inclined to buy additional products, when they can see all product choices laid out together with separate Quantity boxes and a single Add Selected to Cart button? By this I mean buy more products than they may have originally planned to buy!


    Originally posted by KellyJ View Post

    Now, my question:

    For commodity products specifically, is it your experience that shoppers are more inclined to buy additional products, when they can see all product choices laid out together with separate Quantity boxes and a single Add Selected to Cart button? By this I mean buy more products than they may have originally planned to buy!

    Good question!
    My instinct, as a shopper, would probably be yes!
    Especially due to the time taken with adding to cart and returning to the product page (using the dropdown/choices list), I'd be inclined to think that people could very well be tempted to add more by offering all in one go, with a single add to cart button.

    You have to weigh this up against the visual impact and usability of such a page, mind you.
    If it looks overwhelming as one monotonous list and quantity boxes, rather than a well designed product page, it could have the opposite effect and put people off.

    You'd have to be careful to make sure the design was still pleasing to the eye to keep the customer there in the first place.


      Yes Tracey, usability could be an issue.

      The attached screenshot shows a skeleton design, with 6 choices (products). I checked on a low resolution monitor and only 4 were visible above the fold. The other 2 and the Add Selected to Cart button required scrolling down to view. There would be some improvement by placing the Ref number and Price on the same line.

      A compromise layout would use Radio Buttons, which at least let shoppers view all products (unless there are a large number of products).

      Attached Files

