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Background Image with Smart

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    Background Image with Smart

    I'm using Actinic V10 with Smart Theme.

    I have made some changes to have 70% of the screen used by the website (picture Pic2403A)

    I'd like to add an image as background in each side ( 2 x15%) of the website and to keep the background colour for the website. For that, I have changed to FALSE the apperance setting "store is using a background colour", and I have selected an image as background image. But the result is not what I whished ( picture Pic2403B).

    If I change the setting "Store is Using a background colour" to TRUE, in that case, the picture selected doesn't appear.

    Could you halp me?

    Thank you very much,

    Attached Files

    You need to a background colour to the overall container for your website, currently it is set to nothing, so see through, the background of the site shows through. Think of it as layers, body BG at the bottom, site then sits on top of that, but if it has no colour defined, it is see through and thus can see through to the body BG.


      I don't understand.
      I have a backgroung colour #ffffcc selected in the Color Sheme Theme.

      Could you tell me more what I have to do?

      Thank you,



        That colour is applied to the body background (the same place you have your image background). You need to add a background colour to the container for your site, you won't control that in the design themes, you will need to do to your outer layout and style it there, either with a css class or inline styling.


          I'm so sorry, ....I don't find the soltution.....

          I have changed the Smart Theme librairy.... but it still doesn't work.



            Ok... I have found.

            Thank you,


