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Changing site images

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    Changing site images

    I'm using the Prime template for my site, but I'm having issues with modifying the header images. In the begining I was able to make a mock up work around, but now I need to put the proper version in place. The problem I have is that the template uses a "gif" file, but my finished image is a "jpg" file.

    Having had a look at the code I'm able to change the company name image, but I can't find when the link would be to change the main image that is used (image issue 1.jpg, attached)

    I thought it would be in the same area as the code for the company logo (imageissue 2.jpg, attached) but I can't see how this would work.

    Anybody any ideas?
    Attached Files

    Ok, I've had a poke around and found where these images are refered to, but it's getting more confusing and frustrating.

    Using Dreamweaver I was able to see that when editting the CSS file within Dreamweaver it was loading a CSS file that was located in: C:ProgramData / Actinic v10/ "site name". In here I found three folders:


    All had a CSS file called "actinic.css" in them and all had reference to the Prime template that I was using, plus a path to the images that I wanted to change. I thought I'd cracked it and changed the names of the files to the names of the new files, but nothing. It hasn't made a difference. Does anybody have any ideas?


      You set the logo in site options in TWO places (one for brochure pages and one for all others), do not touch anything in the folders you mention, it's much easier than that and you should steer well clear of them. You do not need to touch anything in those, stick to just using the interface.


        Hi, thanks for that. It kinda helps. I can now find the option, "web page outer", but still have the same problem.

        This version is still the shorter one. If I select the option to edit it in Dreamweaver I get the longer one, that gives me the to edit the path, but if I check the file path, it is the stylesheet found in the designpreview/previewhtml/sitehtml folder.

        Found it. At the bottom of the actinic style sheet is the list of theme styles. Before when I clicked on them, nothing happened. By going this way it opened up "Theme Stylesheets" and the Prime one was there. I was then able to modify the path there and the images updated.

        Many thanks for that. I'd been trying to find out how to get into this section all last night. Simple now that I see it.


          Have you tried using firebug addon with firefox to see how the live code comes together and builds the page? If not use that (it's free) most if not all designers use this when trying to break down and understand what code does what and where etc.

