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Alignment problem

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    Alignment problem

    This is probably covered somewhere, but I cannot find it

    Using v10

    I am trying to align the right hand frame so that it is fully to the right of the visible page. The frame in question is the frame that has the 'view cart' at the top with the 'New Products' and 'Best Sellers' below, as can be seen in the link below.

    On a wide screen it is showing with the left edge well to the left of the 'Home' button, though it is probably in a different place on other sized screens.
    Mick Jackson
    Jackson's Fishing Tackle

    You could switch the site to a fluid layout (expands to fit screen size) but this is widely regarded as a bad idea and hardly any sites do this, nor have they for many years now. A fixed size is much better and far less problematic. You'd need to convert to full CSS layout to benefit from a fluid layout, which given this current stumbling block, you certainly won't manage.

    I'm all for pushing boundaries or extending the envelope, you're moving into territory where you need a lot of design knowledge and frankly even with that, it's almost certainly a bad idea and ill conceived on this occasion.


      Can I assume that is is showing on your screen with the content pushed to the left as previously described?

      I just want to use all of the 'real estate' available as I could with my old v7 site.

      It seems a waste to see the heading filling the screen but the content not making full use of the space.
      Mick Jackson
      Jackson's Fishing Tackle


        Here's how it looks on my double screen setup, both screens are different sizes. Getting it to fill the screen is about 10% of the journey, if you dont go fluid inside, it's an utterly useless exercise. You set in actinic how many wide to show things, so whether your site stretches to fill a screen or maybe even goes a mile wide, it will still only show that same amount of items. If you don't address that then totally worthless exercise, 99% of the time it actually looks worse when you do it.
        Attached Files


          So what changed from v7?
          Mick Jackson
          Jackson's Fishing Tackle


            V7 was a half fluid layout, it stretched the outer layout to fill the screen, but the inside never showed more content, it just stretched the content inside often to look far more ugly. Believe me, fixed layouts are a quantum leap ahead of the layouts you remember so fondly, you've perhaps become tunnel visioned about your screens and missing the bigger picture, especially mobile devices.

            A 1000px wide site in actinic shows almost the identical amount of content to one 3000px wide. Nothing to gain unless you maximise the insides too.


              Originally posted by Mick Jackson View Post
              So what changed from v7?
              A great deal but you can still achieve what you want and fill the screen, just takes some coding.


              SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
              SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
              Custom Packages


                Is there not an easy way to move the outer 'column' to the right of the screen.

                I would like to use 2 column for the products, but with some items the 'New Products' etc are covering up some of the text and the quantity box and buy button.
                Mick Jackson
                Jackson's Fishing Tackle


                  You want the very outer layout to be set to width="100%" and then the 3 columns inside it can be set to 20%, 60%, 20% widths. The 100% gives you full screen, the 20/60/20 split then splits this out dynamically according to browser size.


                    Thanks, I think that's the answer I am looking for, will give it a try after I have been fed.
                    Mick Jackson
                    Jackson's Fishing Tackle

