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Upgrading design from V8 store to V11

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    Upgrading design from V8 store to V11

    Hi All,

    We have a client that has V8 Business - and we are upgrading them to V11 Business, as they want to take advantage of some of the new features like User Accounts etc etc.

    Now, their theme is one that we modified quiet heavily when we did it...

    I have upgraded their snapshot to V9 then V10 then to V11 - and all seems to have gone OK.

    I have had to change some settings in the check out pages as they are rather different etc, but all looks OK on my test upload .

    But, there are certain elements in V11 like log in etc that I would need to incorporate into the old design. There are other design changes that the client wishes to make.

    My feeling is that it would be quicker to apply the default theme to their store - to take the design back to basics - out of the box. Then rework the template to suit.

    But, what theme is used for the default Actinic? When I click on Design / Themes for the default store, it says that the theme in use is "Uses advanced settings"

    I swap back to the clients Site - and this option is not there.....

    Am I being dim?

    The other way around would be for me to theme the default installation - then export the design to apply to their site. Would this be a better way to go ?

    Cheers for any thoughts

    OK, this is interesting.....

    I opened up the default Site, and exported the default design.

    I then opened up my clients Site, and imported the default design.

    The design has applied itself to the Brochure pages - Great

    But the Product pages are all showing the MOTO Form template

    Any idea why, and how to fix this?


      How odd.

      Has their outer layout become the MOTO one - or perhaps the default one become the MOTO.

      Best way to check I guess would be go to to the design tab and see what layout is in place for the products.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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        Hi Jan,

        Yeah, it is Odd. What I had to do was to go to Content View, and change the Overall Page Layout from MOTO to Fresh. Just for the top level product categories.

        It is not showing the correct Fresh theme, which I can start modifying.

        Or, was about to, until I noticed that the custom Properties that were present are no longer present after applying the default design snapshot.

        Each of this customers products has a bunch of custom properties that we added (percentage Score, Vegan, Sustainable etc etc with either numerical values, or true/false)

        Now that I have imported the default design, these are all gone. It would take ages to put them all back and then go through each product to re-enter the values.

        So, now I am thinking that we are going to have to use the old template as is, hope it works, and find the bits like Customer Login etc that I need to include.

        It seems a shame that the design and the actual content are so linked together. You can change the design without affecting the raw data associated with a product.

