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Embeding Video/Youtube

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    Embeding Video/Youtube

    At present I work when required by embedding Youtube Video into a blog and create a link from Actinic to it.
    Question: Is it possible to embed Youtube Video within the Actinic Page itself and if so, how?

    Thanks Mike

    Always worth a search of the forum for what will be common questions asked before, saves waiting around for an answer. Answer is yes, add a fragment to the page (text only layout usually), add the youtube embed code onto the page, youtube give you this and make sure you have !!< before the code and >>!! after it.

    you tube code


      Hi, honest, I did search, must have put wrong words in as nothing came up that seemed relevant.
      Anyway, as always, many thanks for the help, now sorted.


        "embedding youtube" has just returned a number of correct answers for me, sometimes the answer is buried deep in a thread, good you are sorted anyway. Make sure you use the Google forum search, perhaps that is the issue, the forum search is not great.



          Initially I thought this had worked but it seems that all my Fragment pages with the same layout ie: Text and Title, now have the Youtube link etc. plus if I add the !! before and after the code they appear on the page, also if I also add the <> they appear also. Obviously, I have got something wrong, I checked the other forum articles which confirm your response but something ain't quite right.

          What, am I doing wrong??



            You've added the code into the fragment layout, NOT the individual fragment you should have added to the individual page.


              Obviously I'm getting it all wrong somewhere, I select the text within the Fragment outlined with red dots on the page and place the youtube code within the code displayed, I assumed this was the page as if I highlight the inner page I get a completely different set of code which seems more like the page code and not the fragment.
              Any help to get it right.


                Add a fragment in exactly the same way you add a section or a product, it's nothing more complicated than that. You then get a description field just like with the others, you put the code in there. Perhaps an idea to have a read up on fragments (tutorial on my site) so you understand what they are.


                  How bl**dy stupid is that? I've been thinking, for some daft reason that it was more complicated so I was searching to include in the HTML code and not the bl**dy obvious. Now I feel like a prize !!!!!! OK, now definately sorted thanks to you. Think it's time I took a break......!
                  Thanks for everything.



                    No problem Michael, your last post made me chuckle if its any help.


                      Always glad to make someone smile, helps the day go round.

                      Cheers, all the best



                        Hi Michael,
                        I don't know if this would help but I use jQuery Fancy Box in conjunction with a custom variable called YouTubeCode. All you have to do is enter the last code from the youtube embed code and the video would play over the top of your actinic pages. The best example can be seen on one of our client sites here.

                        I found that this was much cleaner as there was no large spaces within my preview window, within the software.

                        If you need any further details then give me a shout.

                        Lee Jackson
                        Creative Director

                        Centurius Design & Marketing
                        Centurius Website
                        Portfolio of Work


                          Thanks Leej,

                          I will check it out and see if it works with my needs. May have to get back to you to pick your brains a bit though. Seems quite neat and tidy and an improvement over the way I do things at the moment.




                            Youtobe Fancy Box

                            Originally posted by leej View Post
                            Hi Michael,
                            I don't know if this would help but I use jQuery Fancy Box in conjunction with a custom variable called YouTubeCode. All you have to do is enter the last code from the youtube embed code and the video would play over the top of your actinic pages. The best example can be seen on one of our client sites here.

                            I found that this was much cleaner as there was no large spaces within my preview window, within the software.

                            If you need any further details then give me a shout.
                            Hi can you tell me exactly how you done this?? I have managed to get it working in a non actinic page but cant sort it out to work in actinic. Any chance of a TUT ??

                            MAny thanks, Lee


                              Create a Product level Variable called YouTubeLink. Type Text, Allow Empty Value.

                              Put the following into your Product Layout:
                              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22YouTubeLink%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >
                              	<a class="iframe youtubefbox" href="<actinic:variable name="YouTubeLink" />?rel=0&hd=1">
                              		View this video via YouTube	
                              Use standard FancyBox setup stuff (put into bottom of layout Standard JavaScript Header Functions) and activate via:
                              In a Product Details / Properties / YouTubeLink, put just the e.g. Z_cCwnfiC7w bit from the YouTube URL.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

