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Removing Side Columns on Product Page

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    Removing Side Columns on Product Page

    Good Morning,

    I have seen a few sites running Actinic that have had customisation where the side menu changes or is removed completely depending on the page shown, for example the page within a main section shows a column in my case on the right hand side, this is static and is shown across all pages, what I want to do is either remove the column completely or change what information is shown at product level, can anyone give me any ideas on how this can be done, a really nice example is:

    Any help would be great and thanks in advance.
    Many Thanks

    I'd imagine this is done via a couple of blockifs checking to see if there are products on the page. The visibility of the left column would depend on the answer to that condition I suspect.

    In addition you'd probably have dynamic css so the class name changes according to the page and thus the styling (sizes principally) can change.

    Imagine a column being created with:

    <div class="mainColumn">

    You could then add:

    <div class="mainColumnBlockIfFullWidth/Block">

    Where the blockif had a condition checking to see where you were on the site, you could then have 2 classes:

    .mainColumn {
    width: 750px;

    .mainColumnFullWidth {
    width: 1000px;

    The container would then react to the css that was applied and the css applied would rely on the condition. So you get a dynamic design in essence. They make well have taken the much longer route of having 2 overall layouts and applying each to the various levels on the layout tab (you'd have an overall layout with and without a sidebar).


      And if you're using V11's product page capability then

      PageType == "Product Page"

      would work in the BlockIf.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks for the quick reply's, I will have a play and see what I can come up with.

        Thanks again
        Many Thanks


          Remember that the blockif changing the class name, is the same condition around the whole sidebar, so they act in tandem. ie it is a product page, so sidebar disappears and main column widens all on the switch of one condition effectively.

