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Breadcrumbs Trail on NEW SPP

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    Not sure what to do!!

    If it was your website what would you do on SPP.

    A. Have just a back button

    B. Back button and breadcrumb tail (Barring in mind the duplicates products breadcrumb tail will be wrong)

    C. Have not got a C but you have one let me know.

    Elliott - Weybridge Lights


      If you consider the breadcrumbs to be critical then you will need to create a section per product.

      Personally I don't consider having just a back button is such an issue.

      You can negate some of this drawback by good use of related products, recently viewed products and other navigation all links.


        Originally posted by fergusw View Post
        OK - a quick test shows something can be achieved:

        and click on the first camera.
        Then go here:

        and click on the first camera (duplicate product)

        You get into the same Product Page, however the breadcrumb trail remembers the previous page you were on.
        Current limitation is that clicking into product page from search result displays breadcrumb to last section page you were on. Also it limits the breadcrumb trail to 2 levels thereby removing any sub-sections in between store home and section page.

        It proves the concept however.....

        on another note of this breadcrumb/back/SPP issue, have a look at this:

        On one of our clients homepages...

        you can click a new product (i.e. texttile glue) and it will take you to a product displayed on a SPP. note that teh back button does not appear.

        Then if you navigate to a product via the menu (i.e. Haberdashery > Scissors > Mohair Trimming Shears - 6") you'll notice the back button appears.

        Now go back to the homepage and click on the textile glue again... you'll see that the '< back' link re-appears.

        ...but when you click on the '< back' link it takes you to the scissors page.

        So this SPP back link has issues with the New Products/Best Sellers on the homepage.

        Maybe I should revert back to a Single Product per Section design? it may be more work involved, but al least the end user will have a better browsing experience, thus increasing conversions.
        Paul Daly
        web design | graphic design | illustration


          This is because the "<Back" link is generated within the Actinic pages by Javascript and utilises a Cookie to store information about the previous page that the customer was viewing.
          This basically means that as the "home page" does not get recorded as a "previous page" in the cookie, when the customer enters the SPP page from the home page the javascript basically has no "previous page" with which to use to display the "<Back" link - hence nothing shows.

          If you follow your own example, and upon returning to the glue page, if you check the location of the back link you will see it is actually taking you back to the Scissors page and not the home page where you have just come from.

          There are lots of ways around this, including some of the options posted on here.
          I would not give up the performance improvements of the V11 SPP feature without a fight!
          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

          SellerDeck Hosting
          SellerDeck Digital Marketing


            Originally posted by fergusw View Post
            OK - a quick test shows something can be achieved:

            and click on the first camera.
            Then go here:

            and click on the first camera (duplicate product)

            You get into the same Product Page, however the breadcrumb trail remembers the previous page you were on.
            Current limitation is that clicking into product page from search result displays breadcrumb to last section page you were on. Also it limits the breadcrumb trail to 2 levels thereby removing any sub-sections in between store home and section page.

            It proves the concept however.....
            Hi Fugus is it possible to implement this in a v9 site, so a breadcrumb trail is preserved to the single product per page? so if product duplicate is multilpe product categories it will show the path relative from where they navigated from (unless they land diectly on the page of course as mentioned by you). Im keen to know as im throwing loads of duplicates around in different cats cheers, lee


              Originally posted by globalee View Post
              Hi Fugus
              ?!? My name's not that difficult to remember is it?

              Originally posted by globalee View Post
              is it possible to implement this in a v9 site, so a breadcrumb trail is preserved to the single product per page? so if product duplicate is multilpe product categories it will show the path relative from where they navigated from (unless they land diectly on the page of course as mentioned by you). Im keen to know as im throwing loads of duplicates around in different cats cheers, lee
              Lee, in V9 it's a different kettle of fish as V9 does not have the new Product Page feature that V11 has, therefore it does not have the same breadcrumb issue i.e. there is no breadcrumb problem in V9. Your single product per page is created by a section in V9, therefore the normal breadcrumb trail works perfectly well, as you specified......unless I misread your original query!
              Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
              Ecommerce Digital Marketing

              SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

              SellerDeck Hosting
              SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
                Looks like a bug. I'd expect layout ParentSectionListTop to work but it doesn't.

                However code like:
                <a href="<actinic:variable name="TopSectionPageURL" />" target="_self"><actinic:variable name="StoreName" /></a>
                <actinic:block type="ParentSectionList">
                	&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e%20AND%0d%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22UnregCustomersAreNotAllowed%22%20%2f%3e" ><actinic:variable name="SectionPageName" /></actinic:block><actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29%20OR%0d%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22UnregCustomersAreNotAllowed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29" ><actinic:variable name="SectionURL" /></actinic:block>" target="_self" class="link_breadcrumbs"><actinic:variable name="SectionName"/></a>
                Seems to do the job.
                Thanks again Norman. Your a legend!


                  Hello !

                  An update from the studios. The product pages in SellerDeck 2013 will have a breadcrumb trail.

                  Krithika Chandrasekar


                  E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                    On the breadcrumb trail...

                    Originally posted by fergusw View Post
                    ?!? My name's not that difficult to remember is it?

                    Lee, in V9 it's a different kettle of fish as V9 does not have the new Product Page feature that V11 has, therefore it does not have the same breadcrumb issue i.e. there is no breadcrumb problem in V9. Your single product per page is created by a section in V9, therefore the normal breadcrumb trail works perfectly well, as you specified......unless I misread your original query!
                    Hi Fergus well if i put duplicates in categories and have each individual product on its own page and not in subsections ( all products on SPP coming of one subsection of page called products, when customers use category navigation to get to the product by clicking on duplicate link to original product the same issue occures they have no breadcrumb, so that was why i was trying to use the code on V9. So was wondering if this is possible? (so i have put the code in the actinicextras but.. idSPPBackLink does this need to be changed to make it work?? cheers, lee (hope it makes sence now??)

