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Forum time dooes not adapt to UK daylight saving

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    Forum time dooes not adapt to UK daylight saving

    Just noticed that the Sellerdeck Forum time does not adapt to UK daylight saving - and my PC time is correct, Sellerdeck forum time an hour ahead!
    Jonathan Chappell
    Website Designer
    SellerDeck Website Designer
    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
    Graphicz Limited -

    Very observant and correct Jonathan. You'll see a message at the bottom of every page with a statement that the time is GMT, which it isn't of course.
    GMT time is indeed one hour ahead of the indicated time.

    I assume the time is picked up from the hosting server time.

    Attached Files


      Telling me that is how it is doesn't make it right or useful.
      Jonathan Chappell
      Website Designer
      SellerDeck Website Designer
      Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
      Graphicz Limited -


        Originally posted by Duncan Rounding View Post
        GMT time is indeed one hour ahead of the indicated time.
        GMT is an hour behind not ahead.

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          I find it almost unbelievable that in the 21st century software still can't tell time.

          The server time is correct, vBulletin however seems to be somewhat bewildered by the simple mechanics of daylight savings, perhaps it's protesting it?

          I've turned off the forum setting for automatically adjusting DST, the time zone itself is basic GTM + or - and is set correctly to London

          I've posted myself and it appears correct now.

          My own profile DST setting is also off this overrides the forum setting so check yours if time is still an hour out

          I expect you will have to adjust again once we move into BST

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2019-03-02 at 19.57.37.png
Views:	49
Size:	58.6 KB
ID:	551119
          Attached Files
          Steve Wardell
          Operations Director

