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Protx Changes from August 1

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    Protx Changes from August 1

    I am totally confused by the changes Protx are proposing.

    I have no problem with setting up 3D secure but how do you test out the changes on their test server and where do you alter the URLs they supply (from the old to the new)?

    Hope you can help.

    agreed - good question.

    in which file are the 'submission urls' and 'server and direct additional transaction type urls' which require changing? i still have version 7.


      There is already a thread on this subject in the general v8 section. Please have a read of that to see if it helps you.

      If you take full payment, there is no change. If you currently use PREAUTH then concensus seems to be that altering the word "PREAUTH" to "AUTHENTICATE" in is the only change required.
      [EDIT: Plus the changes detailed here [/EDIT]

      Protx have delayed mandatory adoption until 1st September PREAUTH will continue to work, just as it does now.

      Actinic uses VSPForm access protocols to talk with Protx. The submission urls etc apply to people using other methods of accessing the Protx VSP service.

      Protx are sending information out on a frequent basis, I've had three advisories this week. Each contains slightly more information than the last, but I think that people who expect the whole process to be presented in one easy package are overreacting to the fact that this is still a work in progress, and only partial information is available.
      Last edited by wjcampbe; 13-Aug-2007, 11:57 AM. Reason: Correct the changes required
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        Does anone have the link to the thread that Bill is referring to please?
        Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


          Thanks for the reply.
          I have tried searching for this thread using "Protx" and cannot find it. I had already tried looking for relevant information and couldn't find any before I posted the question.

          I would be really grateful if you could let me have the link to this thread.

          Many thanks



            First search i tried with "PROTX preauth" brought this up.

            What term was you searching with?


              I don't think this can be the one.

              As PaulCookson says
              "in which file are the 'submission urls' and 'server and direct additional transaction type urls' which require changing?"
              this is what I am looking for and how you test out the changes on the test server.

              I asked Protx and they simply said to contact Actinic

              Is there anyone who can help?



                Originally posted by Countrygirl
                I asked Protx and they simply said to contact Actinic
                have you?
                Perhaps Actinic could help if you call sales or support?


                  this is an email reply ive had from actinic - see below. However on looking neither of the files mentioned contain the urls quoted by Protx. I have asked protx whether the urls do require changing in VSP Form or not as suggested by wjcampbe above and ill let you know when a get a reply.

                  Thanks for registering a query,

                  To the best of my understanding the two files that channel “Protx” is “Act_OCCPROTXTemplate.html” and “” which is available in the installation folder V 7.0.5 under “CommonOCC”

                  Hope this helps

                  Gary Jasmy


                    I have contacted Actinic and they are looking into it. As far as I understand the changes to the URLs are made by the development team and not by us. Hopefully there will be a patch available at some point.

                    As far as the testing is concerned they have asked Protx to maintain status quo on the server so it should all work once the changes are in place.



                      Hi Everyone,

                      Anne just spoke with me about this issue.

                      As far as testing PROTX with Actinic, nothing has changed, you can still set up Protx, in 'Business Settings | Payment and Security' and set it to 'Test' mode. The default 'testvendor' still works as it used to.

                      The exact changes with 'Preauth' are still not crystal clear but like Bill mentions above..
                      altering the word "PREAUTH" to "AUTHORIZE" in is the only change required.
                      will be all this is most probably required.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        bruce - sorry but i am still unclear.

                        protx are telling me i need to change urls pointing to their servers in my shopping cart (actinic) from the old protx urls to the new protx urls. this i can completely understand.

                        Are these old protx server urls contained in actinic files or not? if yes, in which files are they contained so we can change them. i have attached the email from protx so you can see the urls yourself.

                        (its an html file so just change the file extension back to .html)
                        Attached Files



                          Thanks for this. I will update you shortly. The submission and return URL's are worked out and submitted to PROTX by the scripts and worked out on the interface that PROTX built to connect to Actinic. If changes are to be made they need to be in the interface and I will run this past development to check.

                          Kind regards,
                          Bruce King


                            Bruce part of the email i got

                            After the 1st August, using the URLs below will avoid the overhead of the extra internal forwarding POST and hence speed up your transaction processing. We recommend you change the URLs in your scripts at your earliest convenience.

                            The table below shows the old style URL and the equivalent new address at which to direct your scripts.

                            These URLs all begin with
                            Submission URLs
                            Old URL New URL
                            /vps200/dotransaction.dll?service=VendorRegisterTx /vspgateway/service/vspserver-register.vsp

                            There is a whole load of url's for handling various transaction cases but my understanding is they will put redirects on at there end but advise we change scripts asap

                            If you want me to forward you the email drop me a line,


                              excellent, thanks bruce. We therefore await your news.

                              one quesiton though - the 'interface' you refer to which protx built, does this sit within actinic or does it sit on the protx server? this, i presume, is key in terms of who will make the changes to the urls.

