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where do i change paypal settings in design view?

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    where do i change paypal settings in design view?

    when i receive payment via paypal i always get 'no address provided'.
    i mailed paypal to find out how to sort this and got this reply:

    This is a piece of code I caught from your site:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="no_shipping" VALUE="1">

    The variable "no_shipping" is uded to specify to PayPal whether the customer has to provide his address or not:
    1: customer is not asked for a shipping address.
    2: customer must provide a shipping address.

    So you must set the value of that variable to 2.

    As that code is part of your cart, you have to find the configuration setting of your cart that switches the value of that variable to 2.
    I suppose that you cart has a configuration page, with a specific section for the integration with PayPal; there you should be able to find a setting to switch the request of the address either On or Off.

    If you can't find it please contact your cart's provider for details.
    so my question is where do i change this in actinic?
    i searched through the design area but couldnt find anything.

    also on a separate issue i downloaded the latest patch so that payoffline would appear in the payments options, but it still doesnt appear.

    any help would be great



    Hi Raf,

    You shouldn't need to change anything within the software for this. Are you using Paypal Website Payments or Paypal Pro? Can you confirm if the same happens for you as for the others on this thread?

    i downloaded the latest patch so that payoffline would appear in the payments options, but it still doesnt appear.
    Please download the full version to get 'payoffline'. You can install over the top of what you have at the moment but take a backup of your site first.


      Hi Raf,

      You shouldn't need to change anything within the software for this. Are you using Paypal Website Payments or Paypal Pro? Can you confirm if the same happens for you as for the others on this thread?
      im just using standard website payments.
      no, i have never got an address at any stage


        In my experience, the Paypal payment receipt doesn't provide an address (except in very rare circumstances which I've not quite pinned down..perhaps card payments rather than Paypal account funded transactions)
        The address is always provided by the Actinic order and not the Paypal part of the transaction.
        Whether it is passed from Actinic to Paypal or not, I couldn't say, but it's certainly not then passed on to the standard 'Notification of payment received' email


          surely the answer is in the email i received from paypal.

          you can get the address the code just needs to be switched on to get it.

          my problem is knowing where to change this code


            I think the problem is that the reply you received from Paypal doesn't really seem to have any idea of how Actinic is integrated!

            They're implying you should be able to ask your customer, in Paypal, for their shipping address.
            Your customers won't thank you for that as they've already provided you with it through your checkout pages in Actinic. They're going to be pretty peeved if they then get to Paypal and have to give their details again!


              all im after is being able to see if the customers address is confirmed with paypal, then if that address matches what they have put in the actinic part of my website then i can feel confident about sending the goods.

              i paid for a new computer the other day ( using my paypal account but didnt need to put my address in again when i got to the paypal part.


                Originally posted by feeky1973
                all im after is being able to see if the customers address is confirmed with paypal, then if that address matches what they have put in the actinic part of my website then i can feel confident about sending the goods.
                That's fair enough but I don't think it's something that happens in the integration between Actinic and Paypal.
                It's been mentioned before that no form of address checking happens during the process and details given during the Actinic checkout aren't checked with any details held by Paypal.

                In order for it to be 'fixed', I would imagine the whole integration process would need looking into.



                  It looks like we are aware of this but it hasn't been implemented yet (a very recent finding):

                  Look for the line...

                  AddPostValues ('&', 'no_shipping', 1, $ALWAYS, $NOENCODE); # don't use
                  paypal's shipping calculator

                  In the above line change no_shipping to address_override.

                  this should mean that the shipping address will be shown but cannot be
                  edited on the PayPal site. Please note that we haven't fully tested this yet so take a backup of the script before making the changes.


                    Hi Tracey,
                    I've just tested this.
                    It does bring up an address in Paypal..however it is using the Paypal registered address and it IS editable, in paypal, by clicking 'change' that appears below it on the paypal page.
                    It's not passing over the address from Actinic at all which is probably what ought to happen really otherwise you could end up with 2 entirely different addresses given by the customer for the same order. One in Actinic and one in the Paypal receipt.
                    I just tested doing exactly that. I gave one address in Actinic and then let Paypal use the address it brought up by default.


                      Thanks for this Tracey. I'll pass your comments over to the development team to see what they say.


                        This fix was provided by Paypal so we are talking to them about it and I'll post back as soon as we've had an answer from them.


                          thanks, Tracey



                            OK, we have a solution to this but there are restrictions I'm afraid so you should only use it if you are really sure. The restrictions are:

                            - The 'country' and 'state' (in case of US address) must be selected from a dropdown box, so it generates a code and does not use plain text.

                            - The 'State' field in the invoice address page of checkout must be required

                            The following code will pass the address to the PayPal site, however, if the address is invalid, which is checked by PayPal, then a "Change" button appears under the address, so it can be changed by the shopper, but it won't be updated on the Actinic order. Therefore, effectively, there will be a mismatch of addresses between Actinic and Paypal. For example, if you have set up 'states' for the UK (ie 'Scottish Highlands & Islands', 'England', 'Wales' etc), this will be passed to the 'County/States' field and will be incorrect on the Paypal side).

                            - locate the '' file from the 'Sites/{sitename}/CommonOCC/' folder and open it in a text editor such as 'notepad' (as always, take a backup of the file before making any changes in case you want to revert back to it).

                            - look for the following line:

                            AddPostValues ('&', 'no_shipping', 1, $ALWAYS, $NOENCODE); # don't use paypal's shipping calculator
                            - change it to:

                            AddPostValues ('&', 'address_override', 1, $ALWAYS, $NOENCODE); # don't use paypal's shipping calculator
                            - then search for the following lines:

                            my ($nAreaCode, $nPart1, $nPart2);
                            $nPart2 = $::InvoiceContact{PHONE};
                            if ($nPart2 =~ /(\d{3}).*(\d{3}).*(\d{4})/)
                                    $nAreaCode = $1;
                                    $nPart1 = $2;
                                    $nPart2 = $3;
                            AddPostValues ('&', 'night_phone_a', $nAreaCode, $OPTION, $NOENCODE);
                            AddPostValues ('&', 'night_phone_b', $nPart1, $OPTION, $NOENCODE);
                            AddPostValues ('&', 'night_phone_c', $nPart2, $OPTION, $REDIRECT);
                            - and change them to:

                            AddPostValues ('&', 'country',  $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE}, $OPTION, $REDIRECT);
                            AddPostValues ('&', 'night_phone_b', $::InvoiceContact{PHONE}, $OPTION, $NOENCODE);
                            - close and save the file
                            - update the site.


                              Thanks, Tracey
                              Just one question
                              Originally posted by TraceyG
                              The 'State' field in the invoice address page of checkout must be required
                              Does this mean that, for stores that don't use the 'State' dropdown (mine doesn't) this won't be possible?

                              I'm less inclined to change it now I know there's a likelihood it'll still be edittable in Paypal.
                              I'm betting the majority of customers will enter their details differently to Paypal's records and will be shown the 'edit' button anyway which pretty much defeats the object.
                              I do understand that it's because Paypal is checking it...which should be a good thing..except if these checks aren't then relaying back to the merchant (other than by scrutinising every Actinic order address against its Paypal counterpart) then it's a pointless check from a merchant point of view.

