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Adding Paypal to Protx - worth it?

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    Adding Paypal to Protx - worth it?

    We use Protx on two sites currently. We are debating adding Paypal to one or both. I understand we can add "standalone" Paypal as an additional PSP to Protx or we can add a Paypal option to our Protx account.

    I'm having problems quantifying the benefit against the increased cost of (and admin overhead) of adding Paypal in either of the ways.

    Our charges for Protx are 10p a pop I believe, plus our % transaction fees for our acquiring bank (HSBC).

    Our fees for Paypal would be in this monthly turnover catergory:
    £1,500.01 GBP - £6,000.00 GBP 2.9% + £0.20 GBP

    Surely if we added Paypal to our Protx account we'd be hit with 10p Protx charge, 20p Paypal charge AND 2.9%?

    We could only swallow this if it lead to a worthwhile increase in business. Advice and info on others experiences with this would be greatly appreciated as always.



    The only you'll know for sure is to try it out for a couple of months and see if indeed you have more business.


      if your charges are correct then it'd be cheaper to add Paypal as a standalone payment option, I assume?
      Either way, I'd say go for it.
      I doubt you'll find anyone, who takes paypal, who says that no one uses it!
      I find the Paypal proportion of my turnover continually increasing on both our sites and I'm sure others will say the same.
      No harm in adding it.
      TBH, when I go 'shopping', I actively seek out merchants who take Paypal and I'm sure I'm not alone.


        Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
        I actively seek out merchants who take Paypal and I'm sure I'm not alone.
        I spent nearly 2K last night with Dabs using PayPal - my wallet with my business debit card was in the kitchen and it was just .... easier (anything that involves not getting out of the armchair is a bonus for me!).
        KDM Digital Media - Actinic web design and hosting


          I couldn't agree more, Kevin!


            We were really reluctant to add paypal (fro various reasons) but with the advice of a few on the forum we added it as a standalone PSP in addition to our psp mid way through last year and haven't looked back. I can't categorically say we've increased business per se but we def. have a sig. number of purchases through it. With the current climate customers are going to look at 'every pot of money' to balance their finances and payal comes into play.


            Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


              It's absolutely worth it- on one of our sites we have around 30% of our business piad for with Paypal. We also have Protx but keep the two seperate- really for historical reasons rather than the cost factor.


                up until a year ago i had a real downer on Paypal. I still think that websites who use PP standard as their only payment method are instantly identifying themselves as a start up/small budget website but i always advocate yes to having paypal as an additional payment method.

                In keeping with other peoples experience we have also seen a stready increase in the number of transactions using PP when also using a standard PSP (WP, Protx,HSBC etc).

                The thing with PP is there are no set up charges, its simply a percentage per transaction. So no risk, no tangiable extra cost


                  I've advised adding paypal for years now and IMO its a must have for sites. Use it as a stand alone psp rather than with protx.


                    thanks for input....

                    it's valuable as ever. Everyone seems to be saying do it, because customers will use it. I'm sure they will, but it will cost more. What I need to determine is if it will lead to more sales as thats the only justification of having a lower net margin. Thanks again - I'll try it and I'll keep you posted!


                      65% of the uk population has a paypal account and it is the biggest psp in the world so the question should be why would anyone not add it. I handed over a site yesterday which has paypal as its only psp and sales were immediate - people actively search for sites that use it.


                        Originally posted by jheath View Post
                        it's valuable as ever. Everyone seems to be saying do it, because customers will use it. I'm sure they will, but it will cost more. What I need to determine is if it will lead to more sales as thats the only justification of having a lower net margin. Thanks again - I'll try it and I'll keep you posted!
                        Is it possible to add Paypal as an option and add a surcharge? If so how? I usually reserve it for no UK buyers and build in the additonal cost into the shipping fee but as I have a standard shipping fee for all UK orders I cant do this


                          you might want to read this re applying surcharges on payments


                          specifically post 2


                            I had PayPal set up as a separate payment method, but the admin side of it drove me mad, as each payment was listed minus its charge and it wasn't paid automatically into my account at the end of the month (say) - when it's included as part of the Protx option does it still have that sort of admin?

                            hope this is clear - not too coherent today! (Yes, I know this implies I usually am coherent)

                            Jane Thurnell-Read
                            200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                            500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


                              Hi - are there any additional benefits using Paypal via Protx as opposed to standalone?

                              I can't seem to see any - just additional costs.

