We've a long established site that takes payments via Secure Payments along with a couple of other manual type payments (vouchers, cheques, etc).
Have read so very much on these forums regarding PayPal, with some having long standing issues, and others saying it's easy to add and opens the store up to a further set of customers.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, and if anyone can wipe away the fog and explain the costs I'd be extremely grateful! Also, whats the difference between the "PayPal Website Payments" and the "PayPal Website Payments Pro" that I see in the "Payment and Security" tab of Business Settings?
Have read so very much on these forums regarding PayPal, with some having long standing issues, and others saying it's easy to add and opens the store up to a further set of customers.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, and if anyone can wipe away the fog and explain the costs I'd be extremely grateful! Also, whats the difference between the "PayPal Website Payments" and the "PayPal Website Payments Pro" that I see in the "Payment and Security" tab of Business Settings?