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3d secure protx

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    3d secure protx

    I use Protx and have just set up 3d secure with no exceptions so no one can by pass it. I am a bit concerned that I might get a few dropped carts though.

    Does any one else have any problems with a lot of dropped carts?

    I have recently taken Paypal off my site due to the high volume of fraudulant transactions coming through. I managed to pick most of these out but not all.
    6 were from the same person in one week all for larger values and PayPal were not rejecting them.

    You WILL get dropped payments with strict 3d secure's a fact of life.
    You have to weigh that up against potential losses without enforcing it.
    I get a significant number of failed 3d or 'customer bailed' 3d transactions and, tbh, there's not much you can do about it.
    I even had one customer who said she got as far as the 3d secure bit but 'didn't want to input sthe information as she was worried about fraud'...she'd have been happy to process without 3d secure..but not with! Go figure

    IMO, shoppers haven't been sufficiently informed, by the banks, about 3d secure/VBV/Mastercard SecureCode etc and many will bail at this point.

    You could try a more 'relaxed' rule for smaller transactions? Keeping the strict rules for the higher risk ones?


      3D checks and lost sales.

      I agree Tracey, you will lose sales, the majority of people just don't know about 3D or understand it, and that it's an anti-fraud check, and not a phishing scam. There are so many warnings about phishing, but nowhere near enough details made public about schemes like 3D.
      As ussual its the bad news that gets the headlines, and the good stuff gets hidden away.
      The suggestion of just using 3D on the high value orders seems like the way to go at present, with maybe some info about 3D checks on the website?
      Also from personal experience 3D can be a bit fiddly for the customer as well, I have accidentally caused a transaction of mine to fail, but better that way than easy to defraud.
      Steve Griggs.

      "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."

