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Paypal Website Payments - Order, Customer Non-US Verified

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    Paypal Website Payments - Order, Customer Non-US Verified


    We have a customer who purchased from us recently. Our website has just been setup to accept Paypal Website Payments as a payment method.
    This has came through into actinic as normal, the only thing is within paypal itself.
    Normally when you get people buying things through paypal, in your account screen where you view lastest payments you can click onto details and it tells you the customers address. This doesn't happen for us and we get no delivery address within paypal itself.
    I would like to know (for security reasons) if this normally happens.

    Thanks in advance
    WHEELS UK - Website Designer / Marketing Director

    This is quite common. You could email the customer using the Paypal email address given to confirm they placed the order etc. You can also check that the emails for both Paypal and the order match. I always consider foreign orders as higher risk.

    It's at your risk in this case and you need to judge the profit against that risk. If you are unwilling to take the risk then either contact the customer and request an alternative method of payment or just cancel the order and make a refund. I personally set a limit on the possible profit loss and have cancelled many orders that fall outside that category.

    The added risk here is that Paypal may freeze your account if they suspect fraud - witholding any funds until resolved.

