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Worldpay Merchant Code

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    Worldpay Merchant Code


    I now have 2 Merchant accounts / numbers under one Worldpay company number ID.

    Within Actinic I can only enter the Wordlpay installation ID and Password which has worked fine since 2003, but becausae I now have a second Merchant accounts / numbers I need Actinic to tell Worldpay which Merchant account to use.

    So can I edit the bounce page to contain the new Merchant account code details?


    Abc Baby Gifts
    Snuggle Feet
    Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression

    Please any help on this?



    Abc Baby Gifts
    Snuggle Feet
    Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression



      The bit of code below is from OCCWorldPayScriptTemplate file, I need to have in it <input type="hidden" name="accId1" value="MERCHANTCODE">.

      Any ideas? Pleeeese!

      # set up the merchant specific details
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"MERCHANTID\" VALUE=\"$sMerchantID\">\n";
      my $sCBAuth = $::sCallBackURLAuth;

      if (!$bAuthorize) # if in pre-authorize mode, set the flag
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"PREAUTH\" VALUE=\"1\">\n";
      $sCBAuth .= "PA=1"; # append PA=1 to authcallbackurl to get this parameter back during the auth callback

      if ($bTestMode) # only include the test mode flag if it is on
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"TESTMODE\" VALUE=\"100\">\n";
      # URLs:
      # AUTH - the URL to create the authorization blob
      # BACK - the URL to return to the Catalog checkout process
      # USER - the URL to the receipt script
      my @Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($sCBAuth);
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"CALLBACKURLAUTH\" VALUE=\"" . $Response[1] . "\">\n";
      @Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($::sCallBackURLBack);
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"CALLBACKURLBACK\" VALUE=\"" . $Response[1] . "\">\n";
      @Response = ACTINIC::EncodeText($::sCallBackURLUser);
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"CALLBACKURLUSER\" VALUE=\"" . $Response[1] . "\">\n";
      # end of the merchant specific details


      Abc Baby Gifts
      Snuggle Feet
      Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


        I now have 2 Merchant accounts / numbers under one Worldpay company number ID.
        i looked at this a few days ago when you originally posted and couldn't work out why you'd have 2 merchant accts for one website - hence didn't reply



          Thanks for your reply.

          Did I say 1 website?, maybe 1 Worldpay company number?

          I'm running about 6 sites at the moment. 1 of them needs it's own unique 'statement narrative' eg. Snuggle Feet. The only way to this is by creating another merchant account under the 1 Worldpay company number.

          So as it stands I have 2 merchant accounts with Worldpay within 1 company ID, 5 of my sites point to Actinic Worldpay installations for Merchant account 1. The other 1 site needs it's own 'statement narrative' and payment to filter to Merchant account 2.

          The only way Worldpay can workout which Merchant account to use is by Actinic passing the code <input type="hidden" name="accId1" value="MERCHANTCODE">, this will tell Worldpay to use Mechant account 1 or 2. Since Actinic doesn't do this Worldpay then simply defaults the payment to Merchant account 1.

          Worldpay say other shopping carts on the market can pass over the Merchant number, installation ID and password, but Actinic only passes over the installation ID and password and not the Merchant number (or name).


          Abc Baby Gifts
          Snuggle Feet
          Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


            Did I say 1 website?, maybe 1 Worldpay company number?
            granted no you didn't say one website, but i suspect the lack of replies was partly due to your original Q being a bit vague, hence i thought i'd reply so you didn't feel alone and maybe move it along for you

            I don't know how to resolve your issue, i remember when i was running 4 sites through one WP ID i chose to jiggle the order number so i could identify the orders from each site then exported orders using csv


              Thanks Jo.

              Hopefully someone will come back with an anwser. Otherwise I could open a new account with Worldpay, new company number, merchant code and so on....
              That would mean double monthly subscription fees!


              Abc Baby Gifts
              Snuggle Feet
              Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression



                Sorry to re-vamp this one, but has anyone from Actinic got any ideas on this problem?


                Abc Baby Gifts
                Snuggle Feet
                Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


                  Originally posted by lessharma View Post

                  Sorry to re-vamp this one, but has anyone from Actinic got any ideas on this problem?
                  I suspect you need a custom version of the Worldpay interface, which can only be done with a special software package from Actinic. I suggest that you contact Actinic Support directly rather than through the forum.


                  SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                  SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                  Custom Packages


                    has anyone from Actinic got any ideas on this problem
                    Ring them up


                      Hi Guys,

                      Thanks for the replies. I don't have Actinic cover so calling them is not really an option, the forum is my only help


                      Abc Baby Gifts
                      Snuggle Feet
                      Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


                        the forum is my only help
                        email support is free and cover is cheap as chips


                          Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
                          email support is free and cover is cheap as chips
                          As an old Scotsman would say, yer never in the chipper queue if that's the price yer payin' for yer chips


                            Originally posted by lessharma View Post
                            Hi Guys,

                            Thanks for the replies. I don't have Actinic cover so calling them is not really an option, the forum is my only help
                            Hi Les

                            Modifying the Actinic end of the link to a PSP to send more data, will only work if the PSP's end of the link is expecting the extra data.

                            Setting up a PSP link requires a development kit from Actinic that costs around £1000 per year so it really is only PSP's like Worldpay who are going to get involved.

                            The details are on the Actinic Website I doubt there is anyone on the forum who has had experience of this work but you may just get lucky.

                            I would try emailing actinic support to see if there is anything that can be done.


                            SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                            SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                            Custom Packages


                              The above package plus inclusion in the product 'drop down' menu costs £3500*, and £1000* per year thereafter

