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Gremlins setting up worldpay

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    Gremlins setting up worldpay

    Hi all (again no laughing please),
    I am trying to get worldpay setup using there guide and have followed it as best I can.
    I have created the new payment method, entered all supplied details from world pay which all looks right.
    Have set worldpay to test mode not production as instructed by them.
    I have set site to test mode and uploaded but when a test purchase is made no worldpay option exists.
    I went into my test site and tried adding a product to cart but it doesnt work at all.
    I then took the site out of test mode and uploaded once more, the products cn now be added but still no worldpay option.
    I apparently according to worldpay need to have this checked in test mode prior to my account going live with them.
    Any ideas as to what is going wrong?
    Thanks for any help in anticipation.
    If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!

    Test mode relates to just the state of the payment method, not the whole site. You upload the site as normal but just the Worldpay payment option has to be in test mode. Did you tell them that you are using actinic? from memory it makes a difference, and they are bloody useless at getting the right number to you.


      Hi Lee,
      Thanks again for your input.
      Yes told them I am using Actinic and I have uploaded in normal production mode now with worldpay set in test mode so can understand why this option isn't showing, just the normal input card details screen on my server.
      If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


        Search the forum for various parts of the error message. They are regularly a pain to setup, I suspect you have the wrong number, they vehemently deny this usually and then finally you get someone who knows what he is talking about after a few attempts.

        Maybe a perfect time for you to give something back to the forum in fact, find out the issue, solve it, get it working and then create a post detailing what you needed to do in order help others with the same issue in the future.


          If I get it running I will do that.Cheers.
          If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


            The problem is there is no error message, it simply isn't showing WorldPay.
            Do I need to delete the credit/debit card payment method off of my payments tab?
            If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


              Sounds like you need to add worldpay as an option. Actually select worldpay.


                I have done that, and configured it inputting all the details provided by them i.e. secret key etc.
                Also I have set this to test mode as instructed and charge transaction immediately not pre auth as again instructed by them but doesn't appear.
                Any ideas.
                If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                  If you have done that then it will be there as an option, it's probably in a drop down list with others and you are missing it. Refresh your screen and explore the options on the page.


                    Here is what Worldpay have just emailed to me

                    The issue I am seeing is that the site is requesting card details and Actinic typically redirects the shopper to our payment pages in order to make a purchase. I would suggest ensuring Actinic is using the WorldPay gateway.

                    Any ideas?
                    If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                      It is there as clear as day and working Mark, heaven knows what you are doing not to see it. I suspect as you have left another payment option in there also (you can have multiple methods), that your mind has gone blank.


                        Hi again,
                        I have seen that it is in the drop down menu but according to worldpay it should redirect me to there gateway.
                        Do I need to delete the credit card option from my payment screen in actinic?
                        If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                          Why not try it out and see? I got to Worldpay OK. If worldpay is to be your only option for payment, then it seems very sensible to me that all others should be removed.


                            I am trying it.
                            Sorry to sound drippy but not all of us are ace ;-)
                            If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                              It's not about aceness or drippiness lol, you've added a payment option, at least proceed through and test the whole process from start to finish. You will probably need to add some code into the head area of your overall template to get the auto submit to work (its a failing in actinic). It would blow my mind trying to explain what to do, but the code is provided below for starters.

                              <actinic:block if="%28%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%27PSP%20Bounce%20Page%27%29%20AND%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsPSPTestMode%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29%29%20OR%0d%28%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%27SSL%20Bounce%20Page%27%29%20AND%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsSharedSSLForTestOnly%22%20%2f%3e%20%20%3d%3d%20false%29%29" >
                              		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                              		function onLoad()
                              		// -->
                              Try and put this code just above the </head> in your overall template. NOT the <head>, the </head>. On the line above that, paste the above code. You will need to be on the design tab and you will need to have backed up before you go playing.

