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transaction key inccorrect

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    transaction key inccorrect

    Hi, we have been using actinic payments with little problems until today.
    Trying to do a refund thorugh the actinic software backend, normaly a case of click on 'refund'
    today if i click refund i am told our transaction key is incorrect.

    Now i am sure as i am the only one with access to it it has not been changed,
    have rung technical support but they are too busy to give me a straight answer.

    I have tried logging into admin area on-line but am locked out for some reason, I am 99.9% certain i know my password, but the system does not recognise it.
    if i click on the lost/forgotten password link nothing arrives to my email address, having again spoken to support who are 'looking into it'

    anyone else having problems with refunds and actinic payments!

    My protx account is running fine by the way
    Treasure Island Sweets

    well still waiting on actinic to reply, having spoken to support who told me there is no time scale to rectify, they now nothing and are waiting themselves on on someone to look into it. First reported on the 12/03/09
    In the meantime i cant issue refunds or void transactions through actinic payments, i have to log into the terminal to do this.

    The problem being I have staff who take day to day orders and they dont have access to the terminal, I thought with actinic payments it would be integrated so it all ran smooth!
    How wrong I am
    We are dealing with peoples money here,a refund through actinic payments should be straight forward.
    What is going on with support, they seem more interested in releasing new bits for buggy software instead of fixing what they have first.
    Very disappointed
    Treasure Island Sweets


      still having this problem in 9.04
      when trying to do a void or refund in actinic 9.04 with actinic payments we get the error
      transaction key incorrect
      any one else having this problem
      Treasure Island Sweets


        speaking to support they have said a bug was raised back in march but they are looking into it still 3 months later

        this means we can not use actinic payments for voids or refunds
        the so called streamline payment is not working

        the work around is log into main admin panel and do a manual refund there

        not ideal for staff we have and no improvement over the protx system we have used before

        not happy actinic
        Treasure Island Sweets


          This is very disappointing if this is the case. The integration with actinic is the selling point of this solution as no other does it. Ah well at least we have the third man integration added, getting new stuff added is more exciting than fixing broken things I guess .


            Wesley, were you a very early adopter of AP?
            I only ask because I was and I was given incorrect transaction keys, on setup, for the MOTO part (which is what Actinic uses to do the backend refunding/voiding etc)
            I only found out when I upgraded from V8 to V9 because V8 didn't have the tight backend integration features of AP anyway.

            I'd say get back to the AP team and get them to regenerate and/or reconfirm ALL your transaction keys/passwords and everything.


              hi, we started using actinic payments on v9 only, we never used v8 went from v7 to v9

              support have current sanpshot and they called me back this afternoon to say they are looking into it, what ever that means.

              we did check the transaction keys back in march when problem first reported, will check again with them though.

              they have asked for a link to this thread as well
              Treasure Island Sweets


                still having major headaches, just had another problem, called support and they think something serious is wrong with actinic payments

                link to thread as at first i did not think it was related but know it is!


                problem with actinic payments taking 2 lots of money for one order!

                Treasure Island Sweets


                  most people started on V9. It'd been out a while when AP appeared and I was one of few using it on V8 to begin with. I just wondered if you'd been one of the first to sign up, when it started, or been trialling it pre-release


                    we did sign up with the free sign up offer and had it on reserve as we used protx at the time. That was at the start of the actinic payments.
                    We have been using actinic payments as no one method for about 3 months.
                    Previous to that we used protx for 6 years.
                    Treasure Island Sweets


                      support have called me and it looks like there was an issue with the transaction key being incorrect, one character an 'L' being entered wrong, even support did not know what the correct letter was, trial an error to see if it was a (L,l,I,i,1),
                      the main concern they had though was why payments were allowed through with an incorrect key as all payments should have failed.

                      Support are investigating weather actinic payments use the key for refunds only.

                      Treasure Island Sweets

